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(Author: This is my first book! I am so excited to write this, I've been wanting to do this for so long! Enjoy :D)

Satoru Gojo sighed as he stretched his long limbs, stood from his seat, and picked up his school bag, swinging it across his shoulder with a thump. He growled to himself as girls fluttered around him, while the boys shot him murderous looks. Well, he can't blame them, since he is very charming -- his silky white hair and lustrous long lashes glistened under the soft light of the afternoon sun, making him look like an angel. But they were nothing compared to his eyes -- they were sky-blue and glittering, like a crystal under a dim light. His pupils are indigo, which makes his eyes even more vivid and breathtaking. 

As he picks up his speed (he wants to be as far away as he can from those annoying fangirls), he spots his best friend Geto. "Suguruuuuu~" Gojo cried as he ran towards his best friend, who winced when he hugged him from behind. "What is it, Satoru?" Geto asked the white-haired boy as they walked towards the cafeteria. 

"Nothing," Gojo says mischievously.

Geto rolled his eyes at his immature friend as they sat down at the table at the far end of the cafeteria (to avoid unwanted attention). 

"The days at school are so repetitive, Suguru. And so boring. Tests are still a piece of cake. The teachers still love me. So do those stupid girls that chase me around the school 24/7 like I'm their life source or something. Yes, I know I'm the most perfect, handsome, smart man out there, but still! It's a pain in the ass to have people follow you around asking for your phone number and stuff." Gojo complained, slumping on the table, pouting and rolling his eyes when he mentioned the fangirls.

Geto sighed at his friend's cockiness as he took a bite out of the sandwich that he had made earlier at home. 

"Ugh, I have to eat this again!" Gojo exclaimed sarcastically as he took out the wrapped, stale bagel that he had bought yesterday with a disgusted look on his face. "I hate bagels, but I don't want to spend time preparing my lunch at home. The bread at the bakery next to my house is so stale, but I don't want to go anywhere else just to buy food. I just went to the market a few days ago. I don't want to go again. Suguru save meeee~~!" Geto ignored him and took another large bite of his sandwich, finishing it.

"Hey, Satoru," Geto said, his voice muffled by the food in his mouth. Swallowing his food, Geto continued, "I heard that there were two new transfer students in the first year. (Author: By first year I mean y9 not y1!!) They are twin brothers, but they have opposite personalities! I heard one of them is pretty badass and has tattoos all over himself."

Gojo bit his bagle and pulled it very hard, desperate for it to tear so that he could chew it. He clearly had no interest in Geto's conversation.

"The other one, I heard, is very sweet and friendly. I heard he is also very clueless about love. He has been here for only a day and already dozens of girls and boys have shown affection towards him, yet he doesn't notice a thing and treats them as friends. 

Gojo stopped biting his bagel.

"Also, I heard he was really strong and good at sports-"

"Is that so?" Gojo interrupted with a smirk. "Well, as clueless as he is, I bet he will still fall for me when he sees my perfect face."

"Of course, perfect-kun" Geto replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Gojo continued to eat his bagel, while Geto zipped his opened bag and slowly stood up, and walked away from the table. "I need to meet up with Ieiri, see you later Satoru" Geto said as he turned his head away from Gojo's direction and walked away.

Gojo's eyes followed his best friend's back, watching him blend in with the crowd of people who were gathering around the exit of the cafeteria. Suddenly, something caught his eye -- pink hair? That's an uncommon hair color, Gojo thought, his focus returning to his half-eaten bagel.

(Author: How do you like the book so far? Please vote if you enjoyed it, every vote encourages me very much! Arigato~ )

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