Some dumbass kid broke a window

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Ok so for a little context I had 4 friends in a friend group of mfs I don't like. The names are Ellie-May, Nichole, Connor and Jay. The kid who broke the window was Ruben, a kid who I want dead 😍😍😍

Anyway so it was 3rd of November on Friday and it was the day before my bday. And as an early gift I got 2 boxes of chocolate fingers (British snack) and I didn't wanna share them sooo

It was lunch and I was eating some of them and 3 ppl tried getting me to get them some. Of course me rarely ever getting to eat them and them also being one of my fave foods, I said no and told them to fuck off bc it was my b-day gift 🙂

So the two ppl who asked (Ellie-may and her gf Bethany) thankfully took the hint and lefte be, only for Ellie-may's friend Ruben then got annoyed at me for not giving him any and decided to act like a 5 year old and start throwing rocks, pebbles, stones  and plastic water bottles at me (This kid is like 14 btw 😀) and after about 30 seconds he broke the window next to me-

No longer have the image tho

Then a teacher started coming over and I got ahold of Ruben trying to hold the little twat still only for his friends to pull him away and let him run, only for me to be left behind with the teacher. THANKFULLY they let me explain abd I didn't get the blame. And then a few minutes Connor came over and I told him everything thay happened, and then we walked to Ms macks class and told on him 💃💃💃

Upon reading this I may seem sorta like a snitch

Anyway I lost my irl friend group

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