The blonde beamed smiled didn't weaver and it become wider by that statement and nodded at the whitehead vigorously, "Believe it!" chimed him cheerfully.


Kakashi was perching on the tree, near the Hokage tower, waiting for his soulmate from the business that he had with the Hokage.

While he wait, he spend the time by reading his favourite book; Icha-Icha Paradise when he felt a familiar chakra and someone approach him. "Yo, Kakashi! Always reading that book, I see. Won't your soulmate get mad at you for acting like this?" a familiar voice spoken and the Hatake glance at them boringly, "Yo, Genma. It's fine, my soulmate didn't really mind much if I didn't show it to the minor. Moreover, he already back in the village." replied him nonchalantly.

Genma blinked and then smirked, "Heh, your soulmate is sure the reasonable one. So, he finally coming back to you, ay? Those the wait you have for all those months, worth for you?"

Kakashi rolled his eyes yet smirked under his mask, "Of course. Just after he get back, we have done a lot of things the couple should do." remark him smugly in pridefulness.

Genma whistled at the statement, "So, you guys also done it right?"

Kakashi didn't answer him but the smug look on his face didn't waver and that tell Genma enough that the Hatake have the best time with his lover. Shiranui wonder who the soulmate is, to have change the stoic and aloof Hatake into a smithed boyfriend.

"Kakashi? What are you doing here?"

The two jolted in startled at the voice and looked down from the tree to see a gorgeous man with violet and red streak with a full white lock, staring up at them with his enchanting indigo orbs. Beside him, he had their resident Jinchuriki holding his hand while looking at them curiously.

Natsuki arched his brow when he saw the Hatake with someone familiar. Isn't that Genma with him? He barely remember the man since Genma died before the war start, so it's easier for him to face the man without having for him to get a whiplash. Though, Genma has been part of Kabuto resurrection and the others that encounter him, had to fight the senbon specialist and seal his soul back to the afterlife.

Genma looked at Natsuki with interest, feeling he have seen him somewhere. When his mind clicked remembering the latest bingo book and finally registered who is in front of him right now.

Kakashi eye-smiled at the whitehead and jumped from the tree to stand at his lover side and wrapped his arm on Natsuki slender waist, "Nothing, I just thought on spending time outside once in a while." he responded sweetly and Natsuki simply nodded.

Genma saw the interaction, decided to approach and jump down the tree flawlessly. "Kakashi, who is your friend?" asked the brown haired jounin.

Kakashi glance at the senbon chewing Jounin before patting the whitehead on the shoulder. "Maa, this is my soulmate. Akai Natsuki."

Genma looked at the whitehead up and down, the whistled in impression, "So, you're the one that had Konoha's famous Copy-nin depressed for five months? The one that make him snap whenever someone teased about his soulmate and also fix his eye."

Kakashi eye twitched while Natsuki smiled naturally, "Yes, that's me. It was nice to meet you, um..."

Genma grin, "Ah, where's my manner? I'm Shiranui Genma." he introduced himself. Natsuki nodded politely, "Shiranui-san." Genma wave off at the formalities, "Genma is fine. Say Akai-san, you look kind of familiar. Have you in the bingo book recently?"

Natsuki blinked in startled while Kakashi eyes narrowed in suspicious, "Genma, don't flirt with my soulmate." growled the Hatake and unconscious pulled his lover closer.

The brown haired Jounin blinked in surprised, didn't expect that possessive reaction. "What? Where did you get that conclusion? I admit that your soulmate is gorgeous man and would probably try my luck on him but I'm not that shameless to take someone else lover especially my friend lover. I just ask him that because I was curious, he look like that new bounty hunter; The Red Typhoon in the recent bingo book." he retorted passively.

Kakashi huffed and reluctantly let it slide while Natsuki giggled at the possessive act his lover shown and can't help but patted his silver hair in amusement. Kakashi glance at him and pouted slightly for ruining his gravity defying hair, but just let his beloved do what he want with his hair.

Genma look at the interaction in amusement, Kakashi hardly would let people come close to his space moreover let them touch him. Seeing how both lover acted with each other, it show that Kakashi trust, care and love his soulmate. How he had become whipped on his lover.

Natsuki grin and turned back to Genma, "To answer your question, Genma-san. Yes! I'm that bounty hunter. Though, I have to retired as a bounty hunter since Hokage-sama had placed me in Jounin rank in the village after I pass my intel about Danzo treasonous act and participate getting Danzo executed."

Genma tilted his head and looked at the Jounin vest on the whitehead, "So you're our new addition members that Shikaku commander talking about." state him, realizing something.

Natsuki smiled neutrally and reach his hand in handshake, "Hope to work together in the future, Genma-san."

The brown haired Jounin grinned and took the offered hand, "Same to you."

The two pulled their hand afterward after acquaintance with each other and Genma decided to take his leave. "Well then, I think I will leave you guys be. It was nice meeting you, Natsuki. Come around at Jounin station so I can introduce you to other Jounin. They would surely delighted and curious to know Kakashi's partner." He said on the last part teasing and glance at the Hatake with a smirk.

Kakashi rolled his eyes but didn't comment back, feeling like it would be waste of energy. Natsuki nodded curtly, "Sure, see you next time Genma-san." say him with friendly smile and wave at the man when Genma walked away from them.

After the Jounin left, Kakashi glance at the curious yet quiet Naruto, already understand that he can't interfere with adult talk and turned to Natsuki. "So, is everything doing alright with the Hokage? What did he say?" question the Hatake curiously.

Natsuki tilted his head, he looked down at Naruto and then gazed at Kakashi and nodded in respond, "Yeah, the Hokage would deal the people that has done the harm. So, everything is doing fine. Though...." Resting his hand Naruto wild blonde head, he smiled passionately at the boy. "The Hokage wanted me to adopt Naruto and put him in my custody. So with this, it would prevent for them to think twice before act harshly." informed the white haired Jounin gently while ruffling Naruto's hair softly in comfort, for both him and the boy.

Naruto smiled up at the man that would be his family from now on and Natsuki smiled back in return. Kakashi smiled seeing at the interaction, delighted to have the boy so he can watch over him more closely, he had promise to keep after all, "Glad to hear everything doing well then."

Gazing at the blonde boy fondly, Kakashi eye-smiled and crouch at the boy level to meet eyes to eyes with him. "Naruto, despite we're not a complete family that the others had. We will try our best to give everything for you to make you happy. Even though we can't give you the love of father and mother, we still can try to give the love of siblings. I, Natsu and Shisui can be your older siblings, Sasuke too if he come along. All I want to say is that you would always have a place with us." say the Hatake genuinely. Naruto grinned, "Thanks, Kakashi-nii."

Natsuki smiled softly at the interaction, glad that they get along. Glancing back at the silvered, he tilted his head cutely, "We were on our way to Naruto-kun apartment to pack his things and help him move it to our place. If you don't have anything to do today, do you want to come along?"

Kakashi eye-smiled and nodded, and then the three started to walk together to the blonde apartment to help him pack his things and help him move to their place.


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