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(I wanted to make a LawLight pregnancy story when L is having a c-section. And we're gonna skip to 9 months pregnant.)

L's point of view
Light and I were on our way to the hospital, because we're having a baby.
"L, are you excited? "Yes, but I'm nervous." "It'll be okay. You can do this."

We arrived at the hospital. Light helped me walk in. I was so excited but nervous at the same time.
"Okay Lawliet, will take you to your room now." "Thank you."

The nurse brought me and Light to one of the hospital rooms. I got changed into a medical gown and Light got changed into scrubs.
"How do I look L?" "You look like a surgeon." We laughed at my comment.

The doctors are giving me the epidural. Light's holding my hand. "Ok Lawliet, it's in." "How are you feeling baby?" "I can't feel my legs." The epidural numbed my lower body for the c-section.

My contractions are strong enough for me to have the baby. It's time for my c-section. "Are you ready L?" "Yes, I'm ready." The doctors wheeled me into the surgery room for the procedure. When we got there they put me on the table. They put a curtain over so I won't see what's happening. They gave me an IV. They put a breathing tube on me to help with the breathing. "Okay Lawliet, we're starting the procedure."

The doctors started the c-section. Light's holding my hand the whole time. "You're doing great sweetie." "Thanks." He kiss my forehead while the doctors continue the operation. Hours later we heard crying. "Congratulations! It's a girl!" We had a daughter! "L you did it! We have a baby!" "I'm so happy!" The doctors are closing me up while the nurses are cleaning the baby. "Do you have a name for her?" Light had the perfect name for our daughter. "Yes, Grace. Grace Yagami." "What a beautiful name."

I was brought back to my room for some rest. After a while, I got to hold my new baby girl. "She's beautiful Light." "She has your eyes." We're going to be the best parents in the world.

I hoped you enjoyed this story. The picture above is made by me. Thanks for reading.

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