Forgivenesses of the shattered heart ❤️‍🩹

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Erdwin got home and saw illusia by the door waiting for him.

"Hey!! illu-" Illusia interrupted him by giving him a huge hug, she was filled with tears in her eyes as they both fell to the floor and started crying, "I'm sorry, Erdwin!! I didn't mean-" Erdwin stopped her and smiled as Zapy saw the whole thing "shh, it's ok, no need to say sorry for the forgivable things!! I forgive you, I'm the one who should say sorry, I didn't mean to slap you- are you ok? did I hurt you?" He asked worriedly as he checked her Right cheek, it was scratched a little bit, he casted the spell Heal and healed her, she hugged him tightly as she felt the pain fade away, "Hey Erdwin.." she said as she looked into his water color eyes, "yes ?" he said as he looks into her eyes and she got closer to him, "i-think you're a great hero-" she kissed the hero on the cheek as Erdwin's face went bright red in 3 seconds, then a White butterfly landed on illusia's hair clip, She went to grab her hair clip but Erdwin stopped her, "wait..let me put it on for you." Illusia blushed as she had her hair clip back and fixed by the white butterfly, Erdwin's face was bright red as he saw Illusia's beautiful face again, saw her shiny blue eyes. That cute bright smile every time gets him all lovey dovey, that twirl that she gives him every time she gets a new dress, and her cheeks getting all red every time she looks at her prince,"come on, it's getting late, hey zapy?" Zapy was crying as she saw a beautiful moment of these two, 'yes' she said all wobbly, " thank you..." Erdrick's face lit up as he hugged Illusia in his arms, Zapy left Erdrick's home and illusia and Erdwin were getting ready to go to bed.

What-did I do...🔪

It was 12;34PM as they were asleep, Illusia suddenly woke up and was extremely hungry.

[i'm really hungry-I guess it's just a burst of hunger] she went downstairs and went to find something in the fridge, she found a salad and decided to eat it, when she sat down she felt luminary behind her, "so I heard that you finally kissed the love of your life huh?" Dark luminary laughed as he came up to her, she got scared when she saw him, "again? Seriously, what the heck do you want?!" She huffed as she moved away from him, "you know, the more angrier you get the more your mark lights up" he whispered, Illusia tried calming down but the more Luminary irritated her the more she wants get mad, and her mark couldn't handle the intensity of how much frustration she had, "SERIOUSLY WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL HIM?!" She yelled, Erdwin suddenly woke up by her yelling, [what the? What's going on?] he thought as he went downstairs to see what's all the yelling about, but he felt Luminary there with her so he hid and listened, "BECAUSE HE'S A THREAT TO OUR UNIVERSE!! TO YOU!!!DON'T YOU GET IT?! HE WANTS TO KILL YOU!!, You seriously don't think he really loves you right?! Hmph how pathetic of you illu.... You're just in your own little dumb world where everything is ok- JUST SNAP OUT OF IT!! REALIZE THAT HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU!!-" Luminary yelled at her as she couldn't handle her anger anymore- "OH JUST SHUT UP!!!" She interrupted as she grabbed a knife and stabbed luminary in the stomach, "GAH-K-'' Erdwin quickly covered his mouth so he wouldn't scream but he felt blood coming from his stomach, Illusia was shocked to hear Erdwin scream - "wait- no-NO!!" Illusia dropped the knife on the floor and saw Erdwin lying on the floor, his blue water eyes were fading to black as Illusia realized what she has done, She realized that Dark luminary wasn't there, he was all in her mind, she stabbed Erdwin and let her anger control her emotions, she was wearing Dark luminarys clothes and they were filled with blood all over, Her mark was glowing hot red, her eyes started to water as she fell on her knees as she knew she couldn't heal him, Erdwin's eyes started to water as he saw his life slowly fades away, he spread his arms out for a hug and Illusia hugged him tightly as she started to lose hope "Illu...It's ok-" illusia cried even more as she didn't want to lose him in her arms, she took her butterfly clip off her and put it on one of his spiky locks of hair, "Just know...that I'll - always love you no matter if we are apart..." he said in a weak tone, "NO- ERDWIN L-let me heal you!! PLEASE DON'T GO!! ERDR-" Erdwin interrupted her with a weak hug, he felt numb all over his body, he touched her beautiful face one last time, Illusia's nose was red and her shine in her eyes were fading, Erdwin smiled as he touched her cheeks and leaned forward for a last kiss, his eyes faded as he had no life left in his kind hearted, sweet heroic soul. Illusia watched as he let go of her cheek and was laying in her arms, he was smiling freely as a huge Angel wing was covering the two, Illusia's heart was shattered, torn apart for what she had done. but something unexpected happened to the two....

The Hero of a butterfly princess [Discontinued] Where stories live. Discover now