I'm back now!!

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Erdwin time traveled back to the present after going to the future for quite a while, and 'BAMM' he fell onto the floor "ow- huh? Finally I'm back" Erdwin smiled as he checked the Time on his watch, but as soon as he took one step he realized that he doesn't have the 11th Dragon Orb "wait...whe-where's THE DRAGON ORB?!" He yelled as he unpacked everything that he brought in his bag but no luck at all, then a couple of guards came to see what the commotion was, "Oi what was that? Is someone here?" One of the guards said but they just saw a bunch of stuff on the floor, "Um..hey um look there was no commotion going on here guys-" Erdwin approached the guards and greeted them nervously,, "oh- look kid you're not supposed to be here and besides it's late, so brush off kid" His stuff was thrown at him and the guards left him sitting on the floor, Erdwin quickly picked up his things and left to go back home, it was 12 at midnight, he got home, knocked on the door a few times and waited, but he felt a bit scared that no one can see him, then his mother opened the door "oh hey sweetheart-OP-'' Erdwin hugged his mother tightly, glad knowing that she can see him and that she's ok, his mother has a black dress on and some boots, has long wavy white hair, with a hair clip on, she has shining blue water eyes, Erdwin got inside the house and was really hungry, his mother made him dinner and as he was eating his food, his mother noticed that he looked extremely tired..

"Hey Erdwin , how was your day today? tough I'm assuming?" She smiled but Erdwin knew that she was worried about him

"mm- yes it was tough fighting monsters all day, it's hard being a hero especially a legendary luminary hero." He said as his sword fell onto the floor again for the 5th time, Erdwin sighed as he went to pick up his sword of light from the floor then noticed something unusual, a small spark of purple light came from the sword when he touched it, he didn't think much of it and when back to the table to say goodnight to his mother, He went to change and went to sleep hoping all of this mess was just a dream, maybe it's not a dream at all..just maybe.

The Hero of a butterfly princess [Discontinued] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz