Helping a Friend Out (Rewrite )

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The Next Morning Plink and Vera were up and walking and chatting around town, They planned on meeting up with Shantae Sky Rotty, Zapple and Harmony to go and do some Girly things, They both kept chatting and laughing until something caught Plink's Eye.

Bolo was sitting near the docks looking down at the shining water, His face had a glum look to it Worrying Plink a lot as she was worried for her new Best friend, "I'm Gonna Check On Him!" Plink Said "Okay Good Luck" Vera said as she stood back and watched, while Plink walked up to Bolo, As She got towards him, Bolo looked at her with still a glum look to his face.

"Hi!" She innocently said "Oh Hey Plink! Good Morning!" He said, "What Brings You Here?, And Why So Glum??" She Asked, Bolo made a big deep sigh.

"Back at Siren Island! When Me Shantae, Sky, Rotty, and Professor Mimic were about to leave, Sky and Rotty were fighting about something, and i tried to stop them only to, Get pummeled in the face!" Plink looked at him with Sympathy and tried to think of something to say. 

"I Just Don't Understand" Bolo said "No Matter What I Try To Do, My Friends Would always Insult me or just Push Me Around!" Bolo sighed again "I Guess I'm Not A Good Friend, Nor a Good Person!" After that last sentence Plink felt way more bad for Bolo than before.

She placed her hand on his shoulder to Reassure him "I Don't Believe That, You're A lot of Things Bolo, A Bad Person isn't one of them, I'd Say that you're Kinda Awesome!!" She Reassured him making Bolo Smile lightly, "And You Know, Trying to stop your friends from fighting Doesn't make you A Bad Friend or Person, It makes you a Good Person.

Bolo smiled greatly at Plink's words, She made him feel a lot better about himself and he felt more confident than before, "Thanks Plink, I Really Appreciate it!" He said happily "Mhmm You're Welcome" She replied as they both got up, "I Have Been Thinking about Myself Lately, I Barely Get to do that cause I'd Think that's Selfish to think about yourself" Bolo said.

"Well Actually Thinking about yourself Isn't selfish, well not all the time, But it's a good thing to think about yourself For Example, Thinking about what you want to do!, Thinking what's best for you! and Thinking about Your Dreams, So its best to think about yourself for the right things, So don't feel bad about thinking about yourself for the good reasons okay?".

After Plink's Little Speech, Bolo's Perspectives were Changed immediately, "Y-Yeah, I Think I understand" Bolo Said, Bolo now had goals he wanted to achieve and Things he wanted to stop, and things he wanted to start doing, like stop peeping at the ladies, and start focusing about himself.

Plink then gave him a hug, Surprising Bolo Drastically, he returned the hug back and they both stood there hugging warmly until they heard what sounded like Slurping from a straw, They looked to see Vera Slurping a drink she got, she then smiled at Bolo and Plink "You Two are So Cute Together~. . . A-As Friends I Mean" She said "T-Thanks" Bolo replied

Just then all the other Girls came up to them, Shantae Sky Rotty harmony and Zapple all ready to go out and do fun things, "Hey Plink, Vera! Ready to Go?" Zapple said, "Yeah" Plink and Vera both said, Plink looked back at Bolo, "Hey Can Bolo Come With Us?!" Plink Said Excitedly, However Sky, Shantae were a bit hesitant, "Umm Plink, I-I Don't Think" But before Shantae she could finish her statement, Bolo stepped forward "Nah! It's Okay!" Bolo said making the girls Shocked.

"I know this is a Girls Thing Only So i Won't Interrupt" Bolo said "Y-You Sure" Plink asked, "Positive, Plus I Wanna Start working on myself for a bit, I wanna stop Peeping at the ladies, And put my hero game on Hold" Shantae, Sky and Rotty were all really shocked at what Bolo had said, They Never Expected Bolo of all People to take some Responsibility, or even act mature.

"Well I'm Proud of You, And You Should Be Proud of Yourself too for taking that initiative" Plink said, "Thanks and i will, See ya guys" Bolo said as he walked away, The ladies stared at him for a moment, "W-What Just H-Happened?!" Sky Asked, "Plink and Bolo had a talk, and Plink started comforting him about that Whole Siren Island incident where he got knocked out" Vera said.

The ladies left to go do their things, As they were walking Plink was thinking to herself about her and Bolo, She started to like him a lot, meanwhile as Bolo was walking he started to think about Plink, And He Started to like her a lot as well. 

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