Chapter 14

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Origami guided me towards her desk and sat me down in it next to a boy that is basically surrounded with women from all sides, there was even a girl from a different school that was part of the group too, he seemed overwhelmed but enjoyed all of their company none the less

I then hear footsteps coming towards me and saw that Origami was walking back to me with snacks and drinks in her arms, she then set them down on the desk and pulled out the chair in front of the desk in font of me and sat on it backwards

I let out a slightly smile as I grabbed one of the bread sandwiches and opened it, taking small bites out of it, I look up to see Origami opening one of the milks and drinks it, she's also been stealing glances over to me, possibly making sure that I wasn't feeling any pain, or making sure that I was eating

She then offered me her milk, I then shook my head

"I can't have milk, or basically anything dairy based" I say quietly

"Oh, so you're lactose?" she asked

I nodded my head as I took a bite of the bread, she pushed me a juice box in front of me and nodded, urging me to have a drink, I place the bread down on the table and pokes a hole with the straw and taking a slight sip of it, I let out a satisfied smile as I drank it

"So you like orange juice?" Origami asked with an amused tone

I let out a slight shrug

The atmosphere between us grew lighter as I slowly started to relax around the person in front of me, instead of in the stressing mindset that Kurumi has me in almost all of the time, it is refreshing

"Lucy" a voice said

I look up with a slightly smile on my face, Origami was leaning over the chair with her arms dangled off of it as she looked at me in the eyes, there was light pink blush on her face

"Are you able to come with me, back home?" she asked

I nodded my head before looking around the classroom, she wasn't anywhere I could see so I leaned over the desk in front of me

"Kurumi is allowing me to stay with you, for who knows how long" 

She then arched her eyebrow

"That seems, out of character with her, why is that?" she asked

A slight frown formed on my face as I looked away for a moment before back at the person in front of me

"She thinks that me hanging out with you will make me more obedient, so it'll be easier for me to control.." I say quietly

Origami's eyes turned dark significantly as she put down her milk on the table and crossed her arms, it seems like she and her doesn't get along, and I don't blame them, they see me in two different ways and both of them are in each other's throats 

"She said that did she...?" she lingered

I gave her a sad face and immediately she leaned over and cupped my cheeks, I made a surprised face as she let out a smile

"There is no need to worry, you don't need to worry when I'm here" Origami said

My heart lifted slightly when hearing that, and she seems genuine about what she was saying, a smile grew on my lips as I put my hand on hers as it was still cupping my cheek

"I know.." I say softly

Her thumbs caressed my cheeks before pulling back, I then went back to eating while having some melon bread and chocolate left over, I stashed them in my desk as the bell rang signaling that lunch was over

I then went over to my desk and gotten ready for our lesson

Hours of classes snailed by as we continued our lessons until it was time for us to do, as I was getting ready to go, a boy was walking towards my desk, I look up and looked at him to see that he was the same person that was being surrounded by girls during lunch, he looked like he was nervous about something and was like he was feeding lines through an ear piece

"My name is Shido" he said quite loudly

I looked at him with a slightly concerned look on my face

"Um, hi, I'm Lucifer"

He then took a step closer to me

"M-may I call you Lucy?" he asked

"Nope" I say immediately

"Lucy" I hear a voice by the door

I look past the boy in front of me to see Origami with her school bag ready to go, she then gestured me to come to her, I gave her a smile before getting up and putting my bag on my shoulder, I then looked at the boy in front of me who looks flustered and confused about this situation

I waved bye to the boy before quickly slipping past him and walking towards the girl standing in front of the classroom door, she gave me a smile as she slipped her pinky in mine, I look down as I gave out a smile 

As we walked down the halls everyone looked at us, more like me, it seems like they are all used to seeing me with Kurumi that they are used to it, but it seemed like they saw something unusual while I walked with her

I looked down as I felt my cheeks burning in embarrassment, this is a thing that I will never get used to that feeling, I was then pulled closer to the person next to me as she nudged my shoulder slightly

I look over at her and she looked at me from the corner of her eye, I gave out a nervous and slight smile before I went back to looking down on the ground

As we walked out of the school, Origami took my bag and placed it on the same shoulder hers was on, as we walked to her apartment building, I went up first and to her door while she went and got some stuff from my house, I don't know how she'll get into my house, and how Kurumi will react, but that isn't my problem at the moment

I step into her apartment and took off my shoes, I then started to clean up the place, making sure that everything was neat and tidy, there was more blankets, pillows, and clothing that she brought for me to make sure that I was comfortable here

As I folded one of the blankets I hear the door code being punched in and started to open, I peek behind the corner to see Origami with a couple of bags and one of my old backpacks that is presumably filled with my personal items

"Hey Lucy, I'm here.." she said

I walk past the corner and walked towards her, I then take the grocery bags and walked them to the kitchen, putting away all of the stuff that she bought, I heard shuffling behind me before hearing the TV being turned on

As I was putting away stuff in the cabinet I felt a pair of arms being wrapped around my waist, I look behind me to see Origami hugging me from behind, she seemed tired, maybe stressed about something?

I turned myself around as I wrapped my arms around her neck and gave the hug back to her

"What's wrong?" I say softly

"Does there have to be something wrong to hug you?" she said as she pushed me closer to the counter behind me

I let out a chuckle

"No, I guess not"

She then looked up at me

"Gimme a kiss"

I let out a scoff before leaning in and pressed my lips onto hers, after a moment I pulled away

"Give me another one" she say huskily

I'll Devour You~ A possessive Kurumi Tokisaki x Femreader YuriWhere stories live. Discover now