A... Curious Flight

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There it was, the majestic voice that was waking me up at 5 in the morning to get ready for work. Juan Pablo Isaza singing "Mi nuevo vicio". Juan Pablo Isaza is the principal vocalist of Morat that, as I said, is my favourite band. I had a feeling, a something, somewhere, that somehow made me think that today would be... interesting. The interesting I like. I don't know how, or what but I felt an incredibly crazy curiosity about my brother's teammate and rivals, and, as I ever do when I'm curious... I investigated them all last night. Deeply... I hate this, when I want to know something because I'm curious I get fucking obsessed with it and I can't stop investigating and then I don't know what to do with that information and I stress and I... I... I'm a strategist! I need that information! Gosh, I am so smart. Overthinking gets good results. Except for the fact that I didn't sleep, hopefully, I'll finish my tasks early and I can have a nap.

I stopped thinking about it and went to take a bath. I grabbed the white baggy pants I chose the night before and my Red Bull T-shirt, I grabbed my "V" necklace and my big gold hoops and went out to meet Sebas who was waiting for me outside, we went to the HQ walking, so when we arrived I was dead, I couldn't even breath. It's hard to walk if I'm still asleep, and our way from the hotel to the HQ was... too long for me.

Fortunately, I went home earlier so I could sleep and I wouldn't look like a corpse when I go to the dinner, the dinner... I've been thinking about it, a lot. After investigating everyone's life I think I know things I shouldn't. Anyway, I did that before when I was about 13 yo, but there was less information to find about them. I was a bit nervous, you know, my ego ups and downs. I changed my clothes to my onesie pyjamas with "toothless" theme, the dragon from How to Train Your Dragon—the movie. I was in love with Hiccup if I'm honest. I jumped into my hotel room's bed and immediately started sleeping. Just dreaming about... I don't know... stuff... wags... enemies... Ferrari... boys... Charles... Lec-.

My alarm, it was my alarm, that sweet voice waking me up from... Fuck. What was I dreaming about? That name. My God, that's what happens to me for sleeping in the afternoon, I start saying stupid things. I must change my clothes by now because if I sleep a little more I'll be really late. I washed my face to take off my makeup and do it again but more for a dinner. More elegant. I regretted it a few seconds before starting, first I had to put on my dress, if not, I would ruin my makeup and the dress would end up stained. I was kinda, excited? Or I don't know, I felt an incredible anxiety that made me want to be there right now, but I had too much to do to get ready. I went to the bathroom to put on my dress, and when I saw myself, I felt, weird. I didn't like it at all, the dress was incredibly cool, but, I felt fat, I felt that there were curves that didn't look so good on me, fat curves that didn't fit with the dress. I hope nobody notices what I see. I'll be really embarrassed. I felt a knock on the door. My brother, as always. I guess that the hotel employees already knew where he was going so that's why they let him pass.

"Who is that pretty, thin girl with those spectacular curves who is going to accompany me to a dinner where I shouldn't be so pretty because I don't want other pilots to notice how pretty she is and want to flirt with her? That dress suits you very well, little sister." Sebas said immediately after seeing me.

"How can you say that? It's just because you're my brother. I'm not even wearing makeup" I responded laughing a bit.

"Uh-Uh, you'll see everyone will be mesmerized with my sister but I'll kill them with my eyes" He said so proud of himself.

"Sure, let me do my makeup and we go" I demanded to let him know he had to wait for me. Sebas just stood there for a second and went to my bed to lie while I finished.

I was near to finish when Sebas came into the bathroom with an angry look that I saw through the mirror.

"What is it now?" I said to start investigating his mood.

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