Brooklyn's POV: First Week Detention

Start from the beginning

The girl, Sakura, rolled up her sleeves to reveal a handsome watch. "Sure, it's 10:40."

"Oh! Just in time. I better get going then, class starts in 10 minutes!"

Brooklyn appreciated Alexandra's time management and decided that she should start going too. People around her also start getting up.

Brooklyn and the other students walked into a dimly lit room littered with stacks of books and trinkets. She sees a man with mousy brown hair and black glasses standing in front of a chalkboard.

The board read: Welcome to History with Hubbard! Please find your assigned seat before I begin today's lesson.

Brooklyn finds her seat in the 2nd row, where she is seated next to a pretty girl with shoulder length brown hair.

"Oh, um hi," the girl says. "I'm Charlotte Lloyd. And if you ever wonder how I ended up in Hufflepuff, I don't know."

Brooklyn smiles. "Nice to meet you, Charlotte. I'm Brooklyn Solace."

Charlotte nods, then points to the front of the room where the professor stood.

After walking to his desk and standing behind it, the professor takes a deep breath, turns towards the class and grins.

"Hello and welcome to your very first course in History of Magic. My name is Professor Hubbard, and I will be your teacher for this class. I don't imagine many students being thrilled about having to take this class, but I'd like to think that, in some way shape or form, I can make it as enjoyable as possible!"

Professor Hubbard doesn't stop to take even a breath.

"Now, let's go over class procedures before moving on to the invigorating material! I would like you all to remain as active as possible in completing assignments. Treat each other with respect, and participate actively in the learning process. I encourage discussions about assignments, the class, etc., but these things will all be monitored - so keep it appropriate." At this, many students snicker. Professor Hubbard sighs but continues. "I welcome students to appeal their grades, if they disagree with a certain answer. If you do appeal a grade, however, be sure to remain kind and respectful. I'm a person, a professor, and knowledgeable about my subject material. If you can respectfully defend your beliefs, I will be happy to review your assignment. However, if you are rude, use inappropriate or rude language, or are in any way indelicate, I will not only give you a zero on the assignment, but you will not be allowed to retake it. Also, do not plagiarise, or claim other people's work as your own. This includes copying and pasting information word for word from lessons as well. Be proud of and passionate about your own work! Again, plagiarism will earn you a zero on the assignment, and you will not be permitted to retake it. Also, for grading, if you turn in assignments late it's going to be graded late."

Professor Hubbard stops to take a sip of tea from a mug on his desk. And, once again, continues.

"Finally, you will be responsible for keeping a journal of your progress in this History of Magic class. This journal is meant to be a record of your thoughts and observations during class and while you read and annotate the texts. Each lesson, except this first one and the last lesson of this year, you need to write at least two to five paragraphs of information for your journal, with each paragraph amounting to at least five sentences. This means that for each lesson, you should have written at least 10 sentences, hopefully more. Please follow these directions closely as assignments that do not will not receive full credit."

He looks around. "Ok, shall we begin our first lesson of History of Magic, then?"

Everyone murmurs a soft 'yes'. Someone even yawns. Brooklyn looks over at the clock behind Professor Hubbard, which reads 11:07.

Charlotte leans over to Brooklyn, whispering, "That did not feel like 17 minutes. It felt like we were already here for at least half an hour."

Brooklyn nods. "Almost 20 minutes wasted on things that probably everyone already knows."

"True," Charlotte replies. "What he just said is literally common sense that everyone would know."

"Well..." Brooklyn grins. "Maybe not some people though."

Charlotte and Brooklyn both laugh quietly.

"UGH, why do we have to write literal diary entries every class?! This is absurd and completely unnecessary," someone grumbles from behind Charlotte and Brooklyn. They both look back to see a skinny boy with brown, chlorine-bleached hair and an unusual underbite.

Professor Hubbard looks up at him. "What was that?"

"Nothing," the boy says.

Professor Hubbard takes a piece of paper from a stack on his desk and scans through it. "Hmm...Marcus Nott. Since this is only the first day, I will let this go, but if I hear any complaining from you again, it will be detention for a week. Is that clear, Mr. Nott?"


Professor Hubbard turns back to the rest of the class. "Sorry about that. So, let's begin...History is important to us because we are living it, because we are in it, and because we are going to make it. It is happening at every second, minute, and moment in time. Consider a timeline; there is not one moment in time where we stand still for two seconds. So, technically, we are creating history at this very moment as I am speaking..."

Professor Hubbard seemed to speak faster every word he said, so, deeming it impossible to write down everything he says by hand, Brooklyn digs out her Charms book and flips through its pages, just as her teacher steps out the classroom to talk to someone who had gotten in 'trouble' for not writing down enough notes.

With Charlotte's help, Brooklyn manages to find a spell and charm her pen into writing down whatever her professor said at the moment that she controlled it to. This turned out to be extremely helpful, and soon the rest of the class started copying what she was doing.

But by the end of the lesson, more than 3 people had been pulled out of the classroom to be talked to by Professor Hubbard. When he came back into the room each time, he mocked a disappointed face.

A girl raised her hand.

"Yes...erm, Miss Abbot?"

"I heard a few people talking over there-" she pointed over to where Brooklyn and Charlotte were sitting. "And there-" she pointed over to another two tables. A girl with puffy, golden-like hair scowls at her, along with her partner, a tall girl with short, wavy black hair. On the other table, Kai and the other Slytherin boy, Daniel Zabini, roll their eyes.

"Of course, well..." he sighed. "I warned you guys. I really didn't want to do this, but detention for you six and the other people I talked to. I will send you the time and place by owl."

A distant sound of bells came from somewhere in the castle, signalling the end of class. People get up to leave.

"H-hey. Hey! The bell doesn't dismiss you. I do."

Many people grumble.

"Alright. The first row may leave." Students hurriedly file out the door. "Second row." Brooklyn gets up along with the other students, almost running out the door. "Third row..."

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