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     "What's going on? Harley?" The voice of which belonged to Jughead Jones boomed over the whispers of the crowd, Jughead breaking the crowd apart to investigate what was going on. Follow close behind him was several serpents, some which included both Toni and Sweet Pea. "Hey! Who did this?" Jughead yelled in anger upon seeing the scene infront of him. He quickly approached his thunderstruck friend. "Harley, hey. Harley it's okay."

     The girl blinked rapidly, snapping out of the shock. "It's just some stupid jerk with a can of spray paint." Harley stated, going to wipe it away.

     "Harley, stop. Okay, I don't think that's spray paint." Jughead said, the rotten metallic smell giving him the tip off. And if the blood was real. . .

     "That's what you get, serpent slut!" A voice suddenly yelled out, a splash following. Harley gasped at the cold sensation of the thick, red liquid now covering her.

     Silence fell over the crowd of students, everyone shocked by the unraveling of events. For a moment, no one said anything, as if to wait for a reaction. And a reaction they got. In one simple yet impulsive move, Harley pulled the knife piercing the heart out ( making sure to rip the picture down at the same time ), the heart falling to the floor. She turned around glaring wildly around herself. "Is this what you want? A reaction? A fucking show! How about who did this come and say it to my fucking face!" The girl yelled, the past few months finally getting to her. The tons of emotions and anxiety she had been bottled up over the longest of time was finally coming out. "You want to see some real blood? Here!" Harley raised her arm, nicking her the skin on her wrist with the knife, her very own fresh, warm blood trickling down. Everyone simply stood and stared in silence.

     Harley threw the knife aside, pushing past Jughead. "Move." The girl growled at the tall serpent before her. He obliged, letting her storm past him and out of sight.

     Sweet Pea turned his attention over to the Jones boy.

     "Show's over everyone!"


     Harley sighed deeply as she stood underneath the hot stream of water from the showers, the warmth relaxing her otherwise tense muscles. The red liquid had been hard to wash off, especially in her thick curls. The Byers girl had rubbed her skin raw to get every last drop off. Leaning against the shower in the girk locker rooms, Harley took a moment to let the reality of the situation. A chill ran down her spine as she realized that someone had been there that day, watching her. Watching them. The memories of the texts she had received resurfaced and Harley couldn't help but to wonder if the same person who had sent them had done this too. And if so, who the hell was following her, snapping pictures, torturing her?

The girl quickly shut of the shower, pulling the towel she had found in her gym locker around her body tightly. Fortunately for Harley, she always kept a spare cheer uniform in her locker. She had never imagined it would come in handy for a moment like this one, but she was grateful nontheless. Once the Byers girl was dry and dressed, the doors to the locker rooms creaked open, signaling someone's arrival. Harley looked up, her eyes falling on the girls infront of her. Midge and Betty smiled gently at the girl, approaching softly.

"Hey, Har. How are feeling?" Midge questioned her best friend, sitting down next to her.

"Better now that I'm not covered in. . . Whatever that was." Harley answered.

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