Oh yes, she would like to poison him right now. Only if she had an access to poisons. At this point she chopped the fruits so violently, she wasn't even sure, if she wasn't chopping her fingers as well. The atmosphere around them was tense.

"Since we are talking about poisons...have you come up with a plan how to kill me already? You had a lot of time to think about it. What were you doing in your free time anyway? Were you doing something productive? Or were you just moping around and thinking about your friends. Which of them is still alive and which of them I've killed, while you were sleeping between my silky sheets Granger?"

Hermione didn't even think about her next action. She clenched the knife and in a swift motion turned around and tried to stab him in the chest. Malfoy dodged her attack. He didn't looked surprised in the slightest. Maybe this was his plan the whole time. To provoke her. Fucking smirk across his face. Oh how she wanted to erase that smirk once and for all.

Hermione attacked him again. She saw red. He dodged her for the second time. When she tried for the third time, he managed to grab her wrist, twisted it and forced her to drop the knife on the ground. She screamed in pain. It was the same wrist as last week, still a little bruised from his previous grip. "Bloody bastard! Stop crushing my hands all the time!"

Malfoy laughed and let go of her wrist. "It's not my fault that you can't kill me properly, darling."

She was furious. She felt the adrenaline in her veins as she grabbed the nearest pan and tried to hit him in the head. Unsuccessfully. She ran around the kitchen counter in the middle of the room. Malfoy was chasing her. The elves were panicking and trying to get out of their way. Hermione was throwing mugs and plates and cutlery at their master. But he just laughed as he dodged every one of them. Hermione felt  frustrated. For him it was just a game. For her it was a question of life and death.

"I will fuckin kill you Malfoy!" She yelled at him, even though it was the exact thing, she was failing at.

"You are so cute when you are angry at me, Granger." The blonde grinned as he reached for her arm.

Hermione jumped at the opposite direction and ran to the other side of the kitchen. A small knife in an open drawer caught her attention. She grabbed it and throw in Malfoy's direction. They both froze on spot when the small kitchen knife cut itself into the wizard's right shoulder. It was...unexpected.

She was staring at him while he slowly grabbed the knife handle and pull the blade out of his shoulder. A stream of bright red blood poured from the cut. Her mind was blank.

He stared at the knife in his hand for a several seconds after his eyes snapped to hers. His eyes were cold, predatory. He was breathing heavily with anger as he clanched the knife in his hand.

Hermione on the other hand couldn't breathe at all. She didn't have another weapon. Nothing was close enough for her reach. She was damned.

Malfoy licked his teeth. When he finally broke the silence his voice sounded even deeper than usual and husky. "I'm giving you exactly twenty seconds." He lifted a corner of his mouth. The cruel smile on his face was terrifying. Her knees started to shake as he brought his chin forward and his eyes flickered as he slowly whispered "Run".

And she did.

She ran outside of the kitchen, turned left and then right. She ran as fast as she could. Her brain was working on maximum. Where should she go? To her room? To the gardens? Hid in one of the secret passages? Surely Malfoy knew every single one of them. Should she hide in his mother's rooms? Maybe the stables? Her blood froze as she heard the most horrifying voice calling her name.

"Graaaangeeeer. I'm coming for youuuu."

Fear. That was all she could feel. It was like the cruelest nightmare. She ran down the corridor. Her lungs were aching from the lack of oxygen. He was getting closer. She could hear his heavy footsteps. She had to hide somewhere. But where?

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