Episode Pilot : New Character

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"Caine, is this one of your NPC's or is this a new sucker?" Jax turned back to look at Caine. " 'cause if it's a new character-" Y/n cut in giggling sarcastically. "We are going to have redo that whole fricking theme song? How delightful!" Jax wrapped his arm around y/n's shoulder, he smirked at them. "Took the words right outta my mouth, sweetheart." Jax huffed. "I'm not doing that again." Zooble stated firmly.

"-My, my!" Caine held his hands to his face in shock. "It appears a new human has entered this realm!" He was too excited.

"How do I...take this...headset off?!" The new girl was pulling at her skin trying to take off something that wasn't there. "Just keep grabbing at it. That worked for all of us." Jax watched amused. "I remember giving myself a bald spot..if you count that as working?" Y/n recoiled at the memory, Jax patted them on the back.

The clown continued to pull at her eyeball literally pulled it outside of the socket. She finally let go huffing and puffing. "W-What's going on ? I-I-I put on some weird headset, and now I'm... here." She was visibly shaking, shuddering with every word. Y/n looked at her with pity, this wasn't going to be easy for her.

"Who are you people? Why can't I take it off? Where am I?" Clown girl was losing her shit.
"-let's try to calm down." Ragatha interrupted her breakdown. "Everything's going to be ok, new stuff. We've all been through this. You just need to get your head to—" Ragatha made her way over to the new kid, talking to her in a kind motherly voice. "What the [boing!] is going on?!" She cussed still losing her shit, but the cuss word had been bleeped out. "Wha- -"

"- -Now, now, now, my dear. We can't have any of that foul language around here." Caine flew in with a panic. He was scolding her like a young child. "The Amazing digital Circus is a place to be enjoyed by all ages. You, my friend stumbled into an incredible world of wonders." Canine's eyes flew out his mouth. "Where anything can happen!" He looked around nervously. "E-Except for swearing."

"[honk!] [squeak!] [boing!] [bonk!] [awooga!] [boink!] [splat!] [boi-oi-oing!] ...[boink!]" she went through every cuss word she could think of seeming to test the theory. "Oh, my God." Girl's flabbergasted.

"U-Uh, well, h-how do I..you know, leave?"

"-Uh- -" Caine went to answer but couldn't so he just stayed still with his jaw dropped.

"W-Well, don't freak out about it or anything, but, uh, we don't exactly...-" Ragatha trying to answer her question was interrupted by Jax.

"You can't." Y/n elbowed Jax in the rib cage.
"Ow! Y/n~" Jax pouted like a child and rubbed his side. "Deserved it." Zooble sighed and rolled their eyes. "But, yeah, he's right. Welcome to your new home. And your new body." Zooble looked the clown up and down.

-"N-N-New home? What do you mean?"

"Guys, don't be mean." Ragatha shook her head.

"-We've been stuck here for years." Jax walked in-front of the clown. "Old Kinger over there's supposedly been here the longest." Jax pointed over to y/n who just realized they were standing in the way and side stepped out the screen awkwardly. There was a pill of pillows in the ground. Kinger opened some of the pillow as if they were a door. "Huh? Did someone say something about an insect collection?"

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