Chapter 5

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Brilyn Tomlinson
We arrived at the band house pretty quickly, and I can't lie I'm extremely nervous to go inside. I don't want the other boys to think I'm intruding in their space or think that I'm taking Louis away from the band. Which I will not do at all, I know one direction is a big thing at the moment and all the boys, including Louis, are very busy men.

Once we got out the car Louis jogged around the back of the car and got my bag out for me. "Surely this isn't all your stuff bri?" He said as he pulled the strap over his shoulder. I shook my head at him.

"I've still got to go get the rest of my things, I just don't wanna go back to the house yet. And when I do I want it to be when Danny is at work."

Louis agreed with what I said, he wants to go with me when I get my things but I'm not sure if that's a good idea just in case the day I go Danny is actually there. That is something I really don't want to happen.

"Ready to go in?" Louis stood with his hand on the door handle ready to open it. I nodded and followed straight after him. We were greeted with Zayn sprawled out on the sofa wrapped up in a blue blanket, he looked like he'd been there all night. He did get up and welcomed me with hug like he usually did when I'd see him. Very rarely.

I've known the boys for about 4 years, I first met them when Louis went on the x-factor and they got put into the band. I've seen them a few times since then, not many though, but enough times that it's not awkward to be hugging and chatting to them.

Next we went into the kitchen where Liam and Niall were. They both were sat at the kitchen island that was in the middle of the room. Both on there phones. "Alright lads," Louis broke their silence. In sync they both lifted their eyes from their phones too look at us.

"Briiiii long time no see," Liam got off his chair and come gave me a hug. "We heard about what that prick did to you, hope your okay." He stepped back to sit back where he was. But before I could say thank you Niall had wrapped his arms around me. The boys were so loving and so polite. It was actually so cute.

"Where is Harry?" Louis chipped in. I heard my duffel bag hit the floor, I could tell that it was hurting his shoulder just by the way he was rubbing it after taking the strap off.

"Setting up the spare room for Brilyn, the beds had no sheets or covers on them so he said he'd sort it." Niall replied with his head stuck back in his phone. "We've got to be at the studio in half an hour we should probably leave." He also added on the end of his sentence.

"Right," Louis nodded in agreement. "We've got to go bri, your room is on the second floor, same as Niall and Harry's. Eat anything you want and we shouldn't be too long, are you going to be okay?" He picked up his keys that he'd just placed on the table and stared flipping them around in his hand. "Harry will be here if you need anything."

"I'll be fine lou, go do your big band shit," I giggled as I bent down to pick up my duffel bag. "Im just gunna go unpack a bit and maybe go grab a coffee at the cafe we went past." Louis nodded in reply and with that he, Liam, Niall, and Zayn had left.

I wondered up the stairs to go find my room and see Harry. Harry is probably who I'm closets to out of the rest of the boys. When I met him at the auditions we instantly clicked and gained this good friendship.

All the doors on the second floor where shut besides one which I assumed was my room. I walked over to the ajar door and pushed it open a bit more too see Harry putting pillow cases on the 4 pillows that the bed had. He was in a plain white t-shirt and black jeans, he also had headphones in so that's why he probably didn't here me come in.

I knocked on the door but he couldn't hear me through his music so I leant in and tapped him on the shoulder. "Shit!" He quickly shot round and pulled one of his head phones out of his ear. He put his hand on his chest and started to breath heavily. "Shit Brilyn, you scared me."

"Sorry didn't mean too," I put my duffel bag on the floor while he pulled out his phone to pause his music. I then walked over to him to give him a hug. He was much taller than me so i basically disappeared when he wrapped his arms around me in return. I stepped back and picked up a pillow to start to put a cover on it, Harry did the same. "Thank you for doing this by the way, you didn't have to. You could of just put the covers on the bed and I would of done it."

"Your more than welcome." He replied. There was only two more pillows to do, Harry had already done most of them by the time I got here, so we both just sat on my bed once we finished. "How are you bri, I heard about Danny." He looked genuinely concerned about me.

"I mean I could be better, it's whatever I guess. I can't change the past. I probably deserved it anyway." I shrugged and fell backwards onto the bed. I felt Harry's hand rub across my shin and I sat up a bit too see.

"You definitely didn't deserve that bri, please don't think that. I may have not seen or spoke to you in a while but I know you and I know you one hundred percent didn't deserve the way he treated you." He looked in my eyes with genuine concern and anger over what I had just said.

Like I said before me and Harry have always had a good relationship. We've never "dated" but we've always had this soft spot for each other and we've always cared about each other. Louis always used to tell me that we might as well get together but it's never felt like the right thing to do, and then I met Danny when I started my job and me and Harry just stopped seeing and talking to each other as much.

"Anyway, I don't want you to talk about it as I know it makes you upset so do you wanna go do something? I've got nothing planned, I'm usually quite bored when the boys are at the studio."

"Yeah why aren't you there anyway." I was fully sat back up now with my legs crossed and Harry was led at the bottom on the bed on his side with his hand supporting his head.

"I always have a meeting with Simon on Sundays so after I finish with him I go to the studio to what ever recording or writing that I have to do, so I can free up my Mondays."

"But why do that, you just said you get bored without the boys here." The math wasn't mathing.

"Well, My mum usually comes to see me on a Monday but today she had to do something for her work."

"Ohhh I see, yeah let's go do something," that makes more sense now.

Harry hopped off the bottom of my bed and out the room, I followed out after him and we went downstairs to put out shoes on. He put on a pair of brown Chelsea boots and I had my brown uggs on. It was like we planned to match.

We obviously didn't. But wow I forgot how good looking he is in person,

"You hungry?" He snapped me out of my days. Somehow he had also put on a coat and got his car keys on the time I was zoned out.

"Yeah I could eat."

With that we walked out the door, Harry locked it behind us and we got in his car and drove off.

She's finally in the house!!!!!!  

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