Chapter 4: "Are you ready?"

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Barbatos wasn't naive... He knew everything that happened in the presence of the wind, he heard every sound that was made in places where the winds blew... It was only natural, the winds were his domain after all; gifted to him by his mother... But he hadn't forgotten about the second gift he got from her either... "Freedom comes in many forms." his mother would say, "Sometimes its love, sometimes its loneliness, sometimes its life and death themselves that grant people the freedom they desire. You, my precious, shall protect all types of freedom... Its you who shall protect the love people feel for each other, who shall grant them the calmness that comes with loneliness that they desire, and its you who shall guide them through life and death... Take your duty to heart my dandelion, for all is in your hands..."

It was thanks to those very gifts that he could feel where his lover was, approaching him with steady steps; and it was through those gifts he could feel his mother calling his soul to her domain. With a sigh, he allowed his soul to be pulled out of his body and transported into his mother Istaroth's domain...

"Mother..." he said, his head slightly bowed as a sign of respect... "May i learn the reason of you calling me here?" He heard a slight chuckle coming from his mother, had he said something wrong?
"Calm down my dear Dandelion, you are not in trouble... Although, does a mother need a reason to talk to her son?"
Upon hearing his mother's words, Barbatos allowed himself to relax and looked up to his mother...

Istaroth was a beautiful entity, her long, white-ish, purple hair going down to her knees; years of experience evident within her silver-like eyes... She wore a long white dress that faded into dark purple as it went down with a light purple cape thrown on her shoulders. She wore her 'Eye-of-the-Storm' necklace, signifying the wish to guard her son and his people. Alas, Barbatos could not help but be reminded of the strength his mother held, time was under her command. "Not at all Mother, i was simply curious is all... However, the... timing... is strangely on point, wouldn't you agree?" His answer, albeit just another question, managed to earn yet another laugh from his mother... "As observant as ever, Barbatos. I simply wished to visit you before he could so you could make sure that you're ready for this, that you want to see him again... Remember that you are my son Barbatos, you shall not do anything that you do not want to."

Istaroth's gaze was warm as she looked at her son, she remembered the day Barbatos first ran to her arms and started to tell her about this god that he fell for. She had long since decided that no matter what happens, her son would not be harmed for as long as she could do something about it. But Istaroth was also a mother who knew her son well, she knew how much he valued freedom, how much he cares for the lord of Geo, Istaroth knew it all and that was exactly why she wanted to ask her sons opinion on the matter before anything else...

"I am... I am ready for this... It was my decision to not tell him anything back then, now it is time to stand by my decision... No more running away..!"
Barbatos' voice was firm as he answered his mother. Istaroth smiled proudly. "If you are sure of it, my little Dandelion. Just remember that i will always be by your side..." And with a wave of her hand, Barbatos was back in Decabrian's tower with a small smile gracing his face...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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