Episode 23: Halloween Special

Start from the beginning

Emma: Hey, back off.

Y/N: What is wrong with you?

Newscaster 3: Did you have anything to do with the murder? Did you want Kieran dead?

They enter the school and meet up with Audrey, Noah, Gustavo, and Zoe.

Noah: Just another day in murder.

Brooke: Eight months of quiet, and now this.

Audrey: I mean, if Halloween wasn't bad enough around here already, Kieran had to go and get himself murder.

Y/N: Asshole, deserved it.

Emma: Guys, I don't care about Kieran alive or dead. It's this... it's the press. It's Halloween. I really want out of Lakewood.

Y/N: Same.

Noah: Uh, funny you should mention that.

Zoe: Our editor Jeremy is dragging us to Shallow Grove Island for research, which I'm sure is gonna be a colossal waste of time.

Gustavo: Or inspiring. He's renting us a mansion, paying for all of our expenses, plus it's the off-season, so we'll basically have the island to ourselves. Do I have any takers?

Emma: Yes. Yes, I am so down.

Gustavo: That's one. Y/N?

Y/N: Can I bring my grandpa?

Gustavo: Sure.

Y/N: Deal.

Gustavo: Audrey? Yeah? You and Gina want to come too?

Audrey: Definitely. I mean, I'll ask her after school, but yeah, I'm in.

Gustavo: Perfect.

Audrey: Nice.

School ended and Y/N told Billy about where he was going, and he invited him to join, and he agreed before they went Y/N wanted to talk with his grandpa.

Y/N: Grandpa, can you follow me really quick?

Billy: Sure.

Y/N leads him to his room and Y/N pulls out his drawer.

Y/N: I'm thinking of doing it when we go.

Billy: You mean-

Y/N shows him a small black box.

Y/N: I think it is a perfect time to do it.

Billy: Then do it.

Y/N nods and the next morning everyone was on a plane traveling to Shallow Grove Island as Jeremy flies them as the group take pictures. Emma sees the mansion.

Emma: Whoa, is that our mansion?

Jeremy: Nope. That's the Whitten mansion, where Anna Hobbs committed her heinous murder.

Brooke: I'm sorry, heinous murder?

Jeremy: Yeah, that's why we're here.

Billy: I beg your pardon?

Jeremy: Noah and Stavo didn't tell you guys?

Brooke: That we're sharing the island with a murder house? No, they did not.

Gustavo: Every town has one. Lakewood has, like, ten.

Noah: You mean 11.

Emma: And that's exactly why we didn't want to be in Lakewood on Halloween.

Y/N: And yet here we are.

Jeremy: Prepare for landing. Welcome to Murder Island, folks.

He lands the plane as everyone gets their luggage.

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