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Name: Yuki


Gender: MaleRace: Kitsune Age: 16

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Gender: Male
Race: Kitsune
Age: 16

Occupation: Adventurer
Familia: Hestia
Level: 1

Likes: Sleeping, Relaxing, training, Cooking, Hestia, Hostess of fertility (and staff), His harem, loki Familia.

Dislikes: People hating his friends or Familia members, Bete Logan, when a member of his harem is sad.

Skills: Fox fire:
- Allows Yuta to generate and manipulate flames from his body

- Allows Yuta to put multiple targets under powerful illusions

Fox transformation:
- Allows Yuta to turn into a fox

Shadow clone/ multi shadow clones:
- Allows Yuta to create a single or multiple clones of himself

Magic: Rasengan:
- A one chant spell of a high speed spiralling ball of wind magic, where the more magical energy Yuta puts into it, the stronger it becomes.



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Danmachi: A Foxy Tale (danmachi X Male Kitsune OC) Where stories live. Discover now