Chapter 8

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Zoey's pov

"I'll do it, I probably hate him the most" says Francis

"That's debatable" I retort

"We all dislike that man. But should we really kill em" coach speaks up

"It's two against one coach, we already decided on what we are gonna do" Francis says

"Is death really the punishment!" Coach yells

"He killed Sarah coach. You said so yourself. You almost beat him to death!
He shot..." I turn away stifle a sob

"She's right coach you did almost kill him right on the spot 2 weeks ago" Francis replies

"I know my limits" is all coach says. He then leaves the cave and takes watch.

I then walk away and lay down with Ellis. I take off his hat and lay it on his chest. I kiss his lips and am reassured when I feel his breathe.

I will kill Ben for what he has done to Ellis.

"I will do it"
"Bring him out here"

Francis hauls Ben over and sets him on his knees.

"Any last words you piece of shit" I say while I put my pistol towards his head

"I always new you and I had a bond" he jokes

I'm just about to pull the trigger until I hear a cough. From Ellis.

I drop the gun and run to Ellis as fast as I can.

"Damnit Zoey!" I hear Francis mumbles as he bends down to get the gun.

I see him laying in the cave with coach by his side.

"Ellis" I ask

"Hey darling" he answers. He sees his hat and says "it looks good on ya. You just best not give me shit for all my hat hair now"

I can't hold in the laughter and tears. I hug him and start to cry

Coach gives a loving look and walks out the cave to join Francis and help him with Ben I assume.

"Stop almost getting killed! It's scaring the shit out of me!" I yell

He just hugs me tighter.


4 months later.

Still no sign of Rochelle,Louis, and nick. I figure there just dead, so does Francis but Ellis and coach both believe not to give up hope.

Ellis has recovered very well. Although he isn't giving up on hope I can tell that he is slowly cracking. He has grown out quite the beard and only eats what is left from us.

He worries me now.

He tells me how much i mean to him but he has been keeping his distance. Overall he isn't taking the group separation good and he is not the same.

Coach killed Ben.

When Francis brought him out. Coach just came out of the cave shot Ben in the head and went back in the cave.

He still hasn't opened up about it.

Francis has really stepped up. He has become way better at showing sympathy but he is still an ass as well. He's becoming more mature I guess I would say.

"Where are we going" I ask

"West" Ellis replies easily

His answer annoys me. I walk up to him and grab at his hand to hold.

"Zo? What are you doing" he asks

"What I can't hold your hand!" I yell

"You need to be quiet and keep your eyes open. No distractions" he says and starts to move ahead and walk next to coach

"Don't worry I'm sure it's just one of those relationship phases. Those are still relevant in a zombie apocalypse right?" Francis jokes

I give him a slug in the shoulder

"Fuck off"

"UP AHEAD!" Yells coach

"What is it?" Yells Francis as we both catch up

"It's a boat." Says Ellis

"With no holes in it" coach says with a big ol' smile on his face.

"Well... Let's get this shit in the water and see if it works" Francis says

"But what about the others" asks Ellis

"Ellis, I miss them too but we have a shot here for a new beginning" coach starts

"Coach are you giving up on them?" Ellis asks

I intervene
"Ellis I think we both know they are dead and we j-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Ellis interrupts me

"Ellis?" Is all I can get out. He's never spoken to me that way. Ever.

He looks at me for a long time until he grabs his gear from the boat and starts to walk away

"Where you going" Francis yells

"Going to find my family" Ellis replies

"You ain't going alone." I yell. Still stunned with his outburst

"I'm going. Are any of you coming or not."

"Ellis we have a ticket to paradise here. Don't throw it away. Please just come with me, aren't you tired of running?" I ask as I gently stroke his cheek

He looks at me for a long time. Almost like he is having a self battle.

"Are you coming or not?"

"We could have an island all to ourselves please don't walk away from this" I beg

"I need to find them. I love you but I need to find them!" he yells

"Your just gonna leave me!" Not comprehending anything

"You can come with me" he reassures

"No just go! I'm sick of running. Just go if you want to leave me so badly. To hell with you Ellis!" I walk away and hide in a shed that the boat was up against when we found it

After about 15 minutes I hear Francis come in.


"Did he leave yet" I ask

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about" he sits next to me

"What" I ask getting serious

"I'm gonna go with him" he replies

I can't even begin to think of an argument. It hurts me knowing Francis is leaving me just like Ellis but it also fills me with relief knowing a group of 2 is better than 1.

I just nod and give him a hug for all the times he's saved my ass.

"I ain't much for water anyway" he jokes.

"Coach is gonna stay with you and get you to that island. When Ellis and I come back with the others we will shoot this flare gun I found a while back." Francis clarifies

Coach peeks his head in.

"Hey yall, I think Ellis is ready to go"

I hate him. I love er way I'm not ready to let go

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