Chapter 7

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This cannot be happening. Ellis was just shot. Francis and coach grab Ellis and run for the woods. I follow hoping the others come as well.

"Oh shit" coach mumbles when he looks down at Ellis' wound.

I try to think of What to do, what to say. But I can't.

"Look! There's shelter up ahead!" Coach yells

We climb into a dirty old cave. Lovely. We lie Ellis' down and I run to his side

"Zo?" He asks

I grab his hand for dear life. "Ellis you will be alright"

He looks down and takes a deep breathe.

"I don't know about this one zo" he replies

"Don't say that! Please don't say that" I scream

"Alright we only have a little stitches left. Is there an exit wound" asks Francis getting the first aid kit.

I push Ellis onto his side and see a hole.

"Yes" I sigh.

"No that's a good thing young'n" says coach

I've been keeping watch for an hour now. We stitched up Ellis but he passed out half way through. I need him to make it.

There is no sign of the others. Not Louis, nick, or Rochelle. I hope we find each other.

Suddenly I hear rustling in the trees. I get my pistol out and look around but then it's dead silent.

"Well well well.. What do we have hear"

I turn to the voice and I am flabbergasted


"Oh I just knew you couldn't stop thinking of me" he says

He sees my anger and takes note of it.

"What's wrong did someone die? You do know, you should just get used to it by now. But don't worry I'll keep you safe and I will protec-"

He is cut off with a punch by coach.
While Ben is a sad mess on the floor. Francis Calms coach down. But Francis does still kick some dirt on Ben.

"What did you see coach?" I ask

He breathes heavy for a while. He then says something that pisses me off more than anything.

"He was with them. I saw him shoot first. He killed Sarah. He shot Ellis"

Francis has been interrogating Ben. While coach and I check on Ellis.

"Is he going to make it coach?" I worry

"I'm no doctor honey. But he's a strong boy. I wouldn't be surprised if he sprung out of this one." He answers

"Oh Ellis why is it always you" I say aloud as I brush his brown curls. He looks so different with his hat off. I take. His hat and put it on. I wanna wear it. At least until he wakes up.


2 weeks later.

Today is the day. Ellis has still not waken up. We had a vote today. The vote was a question on humanity.

Today is the day we kill Ben.

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