He leans up again, sifting through a few more files and sighing quietly.
"We're not ready for this.."
He stands and retrieves his phone, dialing the Chaotix. "Hello? Oh hi Charmy, is Vector there? -No I was hoping we could trouble you to find... Yeah! Okay I'll be right over!" He runs over to his bi-plane and flies over to the island, landing in a makeshift hanger that was built after the attack a few months ago. The building itself wasn't too bad, a decent size but still nowhere near as advanced as his personal garage. Upon landing he glances down to find Vector already waiting for him. Charmy had said he was nearby here but Tails didn't expect him to be HERE-here.

"Hey Vector-! Sorry about the sudden contact. It's been busy and I think that we might be in trouble..." Tails' brow furrows as he speaks, his usual demeanor troubled with anxiety.

Vector waves off the comment, "No trouble! I would've had Charmy relay the information but he's not the most detail oriented, besides this'll be easier than trying to talk over the phone. I was in the area so when Charmy called I just stopped in."

Tails nods, leaning on the plane. "I appreciate that, thanks Vector..." His voice started to reflect his worry, "I found some... really alarming plans on the drive that our friend left behind when Eggman attacked last time. I won't go into detail now but... Well Eggman's been quiet all this time, and I think I know why. Vector, something big is coming and we're not ready for it-"

He listens quietly, nodding along, "Alright, so you want us to look into what's been going on? Or were you thinking rallying some unconventional allies?"

"Actually-" Tails hesitates slightly, "I think we need to track down that (y/a) that worked for Eggman. They're smart, capable, and very precise. Honestly when I think about them it's like looking at the old version of Shadow, except less... edgy."

Vector laughs out loud, wiping a tear from his eye, "I think that they're plenty edgy anyway but I get what you're saying, Tails. To be honest I don't think we can track them down here, with how quiet they kept their activities while working for Eggman it was already impossible to know they existed in the first place."

Tails' ears flatten, "Oh... I see. Well- We can find someone else then. I'll try calling Shadow again, he might be able to rally Rogue. If possible do you think you could track down Mighty?"

"Whoa now hold your horses-" Vector wagged a finger at Tails, "I said 'I don't think we can track them down here' not that we couldn't do it!" Tails perked up a little, apprehensively looking at Vector. "If you and Espio took the case I'm sure you could make some kind of progress. Tracking is his whole thing and he's the most capable pair of hands the Chaotix has."

"I couldn't ask him to uproot like that-" Tails gets cut off, Espio appearing behind him.

"A brewing storm is hardly a bad reason to relocate our efforts." Tails screams, jumping up in a panic and holding his chest. Espio looks at him plainly, glancing Vector then back to Tails. "Sorry, old habit."

Tails can feel his heart practically beating out of his chest, shakily giving Espio a thumbs-up, "No- you're good! h-happy to have you on board-!"

Vector turns to leave, waving behind, "You've got this right, Espio? I'm heading back to the office to get things sorted out. Leave all the detectiving to me! You two figure out where you're heading! Oh, and Espio when you're done talking stop by the office so I can get your case info into my cabinet."

Espio nods as Vector departs, "Roger." He then turns back to Tails, "All things considered I have a few ideas as to where they might be. We should start in the east and work our way west."

Tails raises his eyebrows, "Wait- how long were you just standing there listening?"

He scratches his cheek, avoiding the fox's gaze. "The entire time... Old habit, I apologize."

Allies (Tails x Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now