Chapter 2

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up only to be greeted by bright colours, red and yellow striped walls, and a black and white checked floor.

I winced and covered my eyes with my arm but was taken back by its appearance.

'This isn't my arm!' I could feel my heart going faster, and so did my breathing.

I started to quietly panicking, not to attract any unwanted attention.

'What is this place.. where am I..'

sighing, I took a few quiet but deep breaths to calm down.

'Alright... calm down, panicking won't get me anywhere.. literally'

I took a moment to remember what happened and also stumbled across the realisation

I didn't remember my name

'Okay, okay, okay.. think think think...' Looking around, my eyes landed on some.. other people..?

There was a stage, and there was a doll with a blue button, replacing one eyes with red hair and a blue bow in her hair. She was also wearing a blue dress, with patches in other shades of blue.

Then there was a jester girl with brown hair, and her outfit mainly coloured in the colours yellow, blue, and red.

They were talking to a mask.. with ribbons as a body?

'This literally can't get any weirder..'

"What do we have here.." I froze when I heard a voice from behind me.

Jax's POV:

There was some silence before I decided to say something since they didn't respond

"You know, it's rude to ignore, right?" I said in a plain and bored tone.

They still didn't say anything, and before I could say anything else, Caine appeared.

"Oh, a newcomer! How wonderful!" He said.

"So they aren't one of your NPCs?" I asked, chuckling to my own remark.

Zooble, who just got here and Caine ignored my comment, and the others soon followed, paying attention to the newbie.

Y/N's Pov:

"What the &!/% is going on..." I muttered under my breath.

"What the-" I was cut off

"Hey now, we do not allow such foul language here. After all, this place should be enjoyed by people of all ages." The set of teeth spoke, and I could feel my eye twitch slightly.

"Hey, don't go crazy on us on your first day, newbie," the rabbit said, with a smirk on his face, while the mix and match rolled their eyes.

"Shut up." The mix and match replied to the rabbit.

"Let's introduce you to the others, shall we?" Before I could even think of what to reply, I was dragged to the main stage.


After being introduced, they showed me the way to my room.

While walking, I noticed doors, where some of the pictures were crossed out.

I wanted to ask about them, but decided not to, since I just wanted to be alone right now.

We arrived at my door, and I saw it was... oh, great.. It was diagonally across from Jax's room.

I sighed and opened my door and wished the other's a good night.

I closed the door behind me once in the room and slid down the door, with my back against it.

I looked at the interior but it wasn't anything special..

F/c walls and a wooden floor, with an S/f/c carpet.

There was a desk, a closet, bed with F/c bed sheets, and oddly enough, a vanity for some reason.. but I just shrugged it off and took a look at my new appearance.

a deep sigh escaped my lips as I got up and walked over to my bed, and I laid down, going over the new information.

'So this is it.. my new life.. new body... and new home..?'

I felt a tear roll down my face.

I looked up and saw Jax looming over me.


He just laughed.

"Get out- wait.. how did you get in here?" he smirked.

"I have keys to everywhere, newbie."

I glared at him.

I sat up and noticed that the others seemed to catch up on what's happening, and came to my aid.

Zooble was glaring at Jax.

"Can you stop annoying the newcomers for once?" they said.

He chuckled at their attempt.

"Nah, I think I'm good, Zoobie." they looked annoyed, to which his smirk grew.


Eventually, Jax left, but it took a while.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

Soon, sleep washed over, and my first day here ended.



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