Chapter 5: Secrets

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Disclaimer: I dunno if there's gonna be smit or flut in this chapter. I'm hoping for smut but sometimes is just doesn't work out that way, Ily and i hop you enjoy!!
Tw: Mention of drug use, wrist grabbing

Draco malfoy::
I walked into the detention room angry. Did she seriously think she would go out with blood Joshua? I think the fuck not. I walk in and snape starts telling us what to do and I roll my eyes, now i'm annoyed as his son has asked Jazmin out. I don't even care about her, she just isn't allowed to like him. We began working, not exchanging looks or words as we were on opposite sides of the room. I kept sneaking glances while she was looking away. a goddamn it why does she have to be so bloody hot. I can't control myself anymore and I walk up behind her and grab her waist, causing her to gasp. I begin speaking to her and questioning her about what she was thinking about earlier. She had left class all flushed, as-well as the fact that she completely zoned out during snapes lesson. I question her again, flipping her around to face me now. She gulps before looking into my eyes. Her greenish-hazel eyes. Those gorgeous eyes. I grip her throat angrily, acting purely on emotions and She finally speaks. "you" She makes my heart race. She had a..a wet dream about me? Without thinking I tom my middle finger and index finger together, placing them near her mouth. I order her to suck and she does. Fuck. Why is she so good at taking orders like this? Then I remember her body count and I get angry again.  How dare anybody but me touch her! Wait.. what was I thinking? I fuck sluts all the time, that's probably the way they were thinking about jazmin. But she's not just a slut.. As much as I'd like that to be all she is, it's not. She's Jazmin Goddamn Potter and she's the better twin of you ask me. I pull them out when I realise that she's getting bored. without thinking I ask, "Would you like the real thing?" And She doesn't answer, just nods. I order her to get on her knees then. Holy shit. Was at about to get a blow job by Jazmin bloody Potter. What would the horrid twin say about this? I shudder to think. He would attempt to hex me right there. I get out of my trance like state when I see she's standing curiously. I shove her shoulders down a bit too aggressive, oops. She is on her knees now as I unbuckle my pants and drop them to the floor. Fuck. This shouldn't be happening. this is wrong. I hate her, She hates me. So why are we doing this? U drop my boxers soon after and I snicker at her face. Her eyes widen and she gets tense. I make a joke about her body count that she obviously doesn't find funny. She informs me that she's only had 5-8 inches. Fuck. that's a big difference, oh well. She informs me she doesn't know what tox o with my size, as she's never done it on 11.5 inches before. I decide to help her a bit and thrust into her mouth. After a moment she gets the idea and is able to suck on the whole length. Fuck. Why am I mouth fucking a potter right now? This is against everything. Jazmin and me could never be a thing, so maybe this could be like a secret thing? No no, this can never happen again.

Jazmin Potter::
I awake the next morning with the strangest headache and my throat sore. fuck. did I really delegieret a blowjob to me and my brothers enemy. It's whatever, it was a one time thing and now we can go back to hating eachother now that all the sexual tension is out.  I can keep a secret. I must.

I walk into the great hall and have a seat at the Slytherin table. I haven't spoken to harry in a few days, as i said me and him aren't the best of friends. Especially since I was sorted into this bloody house, it separated us further.  I sat with the Slytherins. But this time not near malfoy or Alara , it's nothing against Alara, I just couldn't handle being near Malfoy and she always is always near daphne, who is near pansy, who is near Malfoy. I decided to sit with Joshua Snape  and Blaire Thorne. "Hey, is this seat taken?" I ask pointing next to Joshua. I had to get my mind off of Malfoy somehow, and he has obviously taken an interest in me so, why not? "Of course not, beautiful" Joshua says smirking whole patting next to him. I take a glance at draco and he looks furious, before looking away. Is blondie jealous..? Couldn't be. we're enemies. I talk to Joshua and blaire the whole breakfast. Blaire is an extremely fast talker and it's kind of hard to keep up with her. I was certain josh felt the same way as we both kept shooting eachother looks as we tried to comprehend what she said. After she finished talking about phoenixes or dragons or something.  I spoke to josh. "So, is there gonna be like drinks and stuff there?" I ask eagerly. He winks at me. "There's gonna be everything from drinks to molly there, if that's what your into" He speaks. I've never done hard drugs before, they honestly scared me. I'm willing to try everything once though, probably not this time though..
Fast forward= 2 days later (saturday morning)
I woke up excited. I LOVE parties, and I can spend more time with joshua, maybe more people. Maybe get laid. Dunno yet. Defidentally gonna be tempting though. I go downstairs to the main hall for breakfast and suddenly i'm pulled into a random classroom. I turn around to see who it was and i see a familiar blonde boy dragging me to a corner of the room before shoving me against it and holding me there by my wrists. "What are you playing at?" He asks sternly. What is he even talking about? I think to myself. "W-What?" I stutter, genuinly confused. "With Joshua, Your flirting with him
like a little slut!" Draco exclaims. Is he serious right now.. "You don't own me, we're enemies. It was a one time thing and I have a right to flirt and fuck and tease and date anyone I want too, and you can't stop it." I scoff, trying to get away from his grasp. He holds it tightly to the wall. "Potter, stop." He said strangely calm, yet stern. "fuck off malfoy! can't you bother the other potter?!" I say annoyed. He brand my cheeks and squeezed them, pulling me to look into his grey-blue eyes. He's making it so hard to ignore him. He smirks when he sees I got flustered. He scoffs and leaves the room, knowing the effect he has on me.

I walk into the dining hall and sit next to Alara. "Potter where have you been?! you've been with snapes son, we haven't had the time to hangout!" She exclaims. I explain to her that I may be interested in him and she smirks, I look across the way to draco and his fist is clenched, as is his teeth. I smirk knowing he's clearly jealous. Why did I even care if he was jealous? I mean we're enemies it can never change regardless...

Ooooh Is Jazmin catching feelings for draco? or joshua? And what's this about draco being jealous? Find out in the next chapter!
mari 💋

Hate is a strong wordDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora