Chapter 4:: "your such a tease"

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Disclaimer:: Mouth f#cking, degrading, make-outs, sexual touching, slight violence  (throat grabbing & wrist grabbing)
(actual smut, not flut!)

Jazmin Potter::
2 weeks later
It's been weeks since me and malfoys encounter. I kept thinking about that moment we shared. I shouldn't be, But I was. Other than little comments or snarky remarks me and malfoy hadn't spoken since. Good. He was my twin brothers bloody enemy! It is not ok for me to be thinking these things about him! Harry for starters would litterally kill me. I may not Like my brother, but I will always be there for him. Blood is blood and he's the only family I have left. But gosh, why was draco so bloody hot?! It's completely unfair. How can one control her urges against a such a powerful man? I got out of the shower and I slipped on a new thong, then my silky green pajama set. It was a cropped silky green shirt, with matching lacey, silky green shorts. Shorts that I swear were like 4 inches tall, Not long at all! I lay in bed and drift to sleep. I awake in the morning at 7am, only 30 minutes before i was expected to BE in class. Why didn't these bitches wake me?! I thought to myself as I hurried to get dressed. I threw my uniform and robe on and snatched my wand off the dresser, barely bothering with my hair and makeup. I wore a bit of highlighter, mascara, and cobealer along with my hair in a claw clipped ponytail. I continued to wear my heels because flats were annoying to me. I grabbed my lipgloss and some galleons and fled down the stairs of the dorms, and down all the halls. Barely making it to snapes potion class. But surprisingly, I made it with one minute to spare. Oh, and did I mention me and alara did NOT infact stop talking, so he gave me an assigned seat you guessed it, next to malfoy. I swear these teachers hate me.

I take my seat next to malfoy and immediately I catch him staring. "Buzz off perv!" I swat at him, causing him to smirk. "You missed a few buttons, princess" He laughs uncontrollably, causing me to look my my button down shirt. My tie VERY loose and my shirt having atleast 3 buttons unbuttoned, causing him to be able to see my whole cleavage, and more than half of my bra. "Did you enjoy the show, ass wipe?" I say in an annoyed tone and slap the back of his head. "Not as much as I know your slutty ass enjoyed putting on the show" He replies, trying to sound superior to me. "You wish I gave you a show malfoy, you creep!" I sigh and lay my head on my fist. I'm so tired, I don't know why though..I find myself daydreaming.. ABOUT MALFOY?! I begin to clench my thighs at the sights I was picturing in my mind. WHY WAS I DOING THIS?! i thought to myself. Our love is forbidden, not that he is even able to love at all! I think he noticed I wasn't paying attention because he flicked the back of my head. "OUCH!" I screeched, oops. The whole class including snape looks at me. "ms potter! Have you still not learned your lesson? DETENTION!" He yelled, before carrying on with his lesson. Draco smirked and then snickered loudly, catching snapes attention much more. "Mr.Malfoy, disappointing.." He says before sighing. "Since it seems something's funny, You can join ms.potter in detention this evening. Be back here at 7, BOTH OF YOU" He says before saying something about invisibility potions. I dunno, after snape said he had detention too I dozed off again, continuing the daydream. Before I knew it my panties were soaked. The bell rang suddenly and I got out of my day dream. "fuck" I muttered under my breath. Draco just looked at me suspiciously and walked out. Alara waited for me by the door as I gathered my belongings and left with her. " I need to storm in the dorms, I'll catch up with you after charms!" I say before rushing off. I see malfoy smirking in the corner of his eye as I run up the stairs, realizing that my skirt rode up and showed my thong as I ran I flipped him off and continued running. I didn't have time for that right now.

I hurried into my dorm and slammed the door shut before running to my dresser. I flipped through my drawer to find a new thong. I grabbed one, a black lacey one. I slipped my old one off and slid this one on. I then grabbed my wand and used a teleportation spell to get me to charms. I got there and hurried in, being atleast 7 minutes late. God professor Flitwick is gonna kill me...

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