Caution:It's not past

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"The past is never dead. It's not even past."

-William Faulkner

Farhan's POV

Ever heard of an old lady screaming with glee, out of the blue? No??

That's because nobody is as crazy as my Dadi or "Cinderella" as I nicknamed her in my childhood. It's because I love that woman to death, but at times I swear, it genuinely feels like she will be the death of me. For example, today, I had been minding my own business, instagramming peacefully when she sneaked up behind me and took a peak at my phone. With absolutely no regard of my privacy.

Now she was doing 'Garba' in the middle of my room. All because she caught me stalking Asiya on Instagram. If it was within Cinderella's capability, my Instagram would have been sporting a wedding picture with Asiya by now. But thank God it wasn't one of her skills, only trapping me in embarrassing conversations was her talent. God. Earlier today, the talk at Rabeya Aunt's house had been mortifying to say the least. If I was to describe it properly, it was a near to death experience. No exaggeration.

"What's going on? Bolo? bolo?" (Tell me, Tell me). Any other grandmother might have chided her grandson for being a shameless stalker but not mine. This woman couldn't be normal even if she tried. Instead she was begging me for tea. Not just that, she was making her notorious puppy eyes too.

"Bolne ka kuch ho toh na bolunga" (How can I tell you if there is nothing to tell?" . I made a pathetic attempt to cover up the fact that I had been simping on a girl only a few seconds earlier.

Cinderella wasn't convinced." Kuch toh Hai. You were staring at her photo like your Dadaji used to look at me in our initial days of marriage. "The look of serenity on her face as she reminisced the past was enough to make me wonder what it would feel like to be in love like they were.

"It's not as simple as it used to be Nani Ma. Now you don't directly ask for a girl's hand in marriage and stare at her forever. You date first. And for anything to happen at all, the girl has to accept your follow request first."

"Follow whaaaat? Are you planning to follow her everywhere? It's an adorable idea. Do you know your dada once told me he would follow me to Jahannam (hell)? ". I was alarmed by her thought process. My Dadi wasn't up to date with modern technologies and social media so I understood her confusion. But Yikes.I hadn't ever assumed she would approve of her grandson being a shady stalker.

"Aww you and dada were cute, but NO Dadi that's not what I meant. Following someone is hella creepy. Obsessive. And not to mention, it's definitely a punishable offence. No way I'm doing that. "I felt it necessary to clear my stand before she successfully converted me into some criminal.

"Then how will you woo her? Will you just sit here, stare at her photos and keep blushing forever?" Dadi was as persistent as ever.

"I wasn't blushing ", I screamed almost instantly, in pure indignation but I knew the color that had flushed my cheeks again would prove me a liar instantly too.

"Then, tell me, how will you make her my granddaughter-in-law?"

I somehow managed not to choke on the chewing gum in my mouth and replied between coughs and gasps, 'who's planning to.... make who your granddaughter-in-law? You already have my mom stay happy with her". I bet if I had been blushing before, I was probably a beetroot by now.

"Par wo waali toh ab purani ho gayi' (But now that one has become old), Cinderella deadpanned.

Since this woman was relentless, I gave in and explained to her how Instagram worked. I didn't mention that I had been checking my phone every two minutes to see if my follow request had been accepted. Also that I was kind of panicking.

Asiya was very pretty but it's not her beauty that had floored me. She carries herself with elegance. Exudes the confidence of a strong, mature woman who knows exactly what she wants out of life. I doubt she would have any interest in a guy like me who is merely floating through life, with no concrete plan.

Maybe she won't even recognize my name and delete the request without even checking. It's already been an hour and I'm waiting and being restless at the same time. But at least I got to panic in peace after Cinderella left the room. (She did so only when I pinky promised to immediately go to her if there is any update.)

Because I had nothing better to do in the meantime, I stare at her pfp, partially lost in her beauty and partially wondering if there was hopes of a future blooming here.

My simp moment is intruded by a phone call. When the name flashes up on my phone screen, I don't know how to react. There are only two things I know.

My life might be just two inches from getting fucked.

My past is returning to my present.

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