
"I guess we are not meant to be after all then." she sobbed, letting a few tears slip. 

Sarah wrapped her arms around her friend once more.

"You know what Kie? We will go back to the condo and then do whatever we want there, you know. Just like old times." suggested Sarah, as they pulled away.

"But-" began Kiara,but got cut off by Sarah.

"I have the keys to the Twinkie," she said and took the keys out of her back pocket, a broad smile across her face. She jumped straight and held out her hand to Kiara.

"C'mon!" and with that Kiara grabbed Sarah's hand and Sarah then pulled Kiara straight.

"What about Cleo?" asked Kiara, referring to the sleeping girl. As she pulled her shirt over her head.

"Oh, we better not wake her up or she'll get cranky." chuckled Sarah, bringing a smile to Kiara's face.

"Hurry up!" giggled Sarah.

"Give me a sec." said Kiara putting on her shoes, when she was done Sarah immediately grabbed her friend's hand and pulled her along with her. The two ran from the beach toward the twinkie.


"Wanna go get beer?" Sarah asked, turning to look at Kiara who was driving the Twinkie.

"Sure if you pay, right now I'm broke."

"Don't worry Kie, I'll sugar mommy you."

The rest of the ride was filled with giggles from the two girls.

When they arrived at the local store. Sarah wanted to get out, but was stopped by Kiara.

"Hey Sar?" she asked, getting the blond girl's attention.

Sarah turned to look at Kiara and was immediately met with a sorrowful look.

"Kie, what's wrong?" Sarah asked, anxiety took over immediately.

"You know those pills?"

"Yeah, what's wrong it?"

"There is nothing wrong with it. I just don't have any more, the bottle is empty. So would you go to the pharmacy with me?" Kiara asked.

"Sure, but what are those pills for?" Sarah asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Nothing special." Kiara lied, avoiding Sarah's eyes.


"I'll tell you, I'll tell all of you. But just not right now, okay?"

"'Course that's okay, but you shouldn't be afraid to say anything to us, you know that."

Kiara nodded and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Let's get beer, shall we?"


"Hi, do you have these?" asked Kiara, showing the empty white pill bottle to the man behind the counter.

until we meet again // after kitty hawk AUWhere stories live. Discover now