Chapter 4

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{*The magic portal*}

Noah was on the verge of waking up from all the noise he heard but as soon he was about to open his eyes, he fell back asleep, he was comforted by head pats.

Noah woke up to him on the other side of his bed and Leif in front of him.

"You should take it as a compliment that I didn't kill you in your sleep," Leif said making Noah stare at him with a smile smirk.

"Thanks for not killing me then," Noah replied as he brought his hand up to patting Leif's hair. "Soft," Noah mumbled while Leif stiffened under his touch.

Noah sat up as Leif teleported somewhere. Noah walked to his bathroom and took a shower but after 30 minutes he came back into his room with a towel around his waist.

Noah then looked through his closet before picking up some black pants that had orange tags, a white shirt, and a black jacket. He put some ear piercings in as well.

 He put some ear piercings in as well

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After Noah dried off and got dressed. He walked out of his room and saw the daemos in the living room while Ava was feeding Johnny some cat food.

"Good morning Ava, You're up early," Noah said walking into the kitchen.

"Hey, I'm gonna try to see if I can still get that job at the store," Ava said.

"Really? I thought you didn't want a job?" Noah asks.

"I don't but you can't be the only one paying for food and bills," Ava says putting her shoes on to get ready to walk out the door.

"Oh okay, well good luck," Noah says getting ingredients out to cook.

"You might need more luck than me, bye bro!" Ava said stepping out the front door and closing it.

"Human sorcerer!" Asch yelled.

"Wha?" Noah said cooking some food for him and the 5 Daemos.

"Teach us your human ways," Asch commanded.

"Okay," Noah said putting food on 6 plates.

"Now, prisoner," Asch said.

"Okay, geez..", Noah mumbled "First thing about being a human is manners and respect." Noah started as he put forks in all the plates.

"Come sit down and eat," Noah says.

The 5 males sit down in front of the food, inspecting it. Then looked at Noah as he ate some of his food. Noah felt stares on him and looked up at the males.

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