I pushed myself to my feet and grabbed my things walking slowly. 20 minutes later, I finally made it to my car. Which was oddly the only car out here. I got in my car and started it up. Before I could pull over my phone began to ring. It was Eliana.

"Hello?" I answered.

"You stupid bitch! Why haven't you been answering your phone? Had me thinking you was laid up in a fucking ditch some goddamn where. Where the fuck you at?" She yelled. I sighed and sat my back against the seat, only to bounce back up in pain.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed.

"What? Pure Mila are you ok?" Eliana said. I brushed the pain aside and nodded as if she could see me.

"Yea but Eliana, I can't remember anything from lastnight. What happened?" The line got quiet before she spoke again.

"Uhh, Mila I think you should go home and I'll be on my way there in an hour." She said hanging up before I got a chance to talk. I drove off and made my way home.

What really happened lastnight? Why is Eliana not telling me anything? And why did Zalia call me a dirty female? I thought.

Reaching home, I sighed. I was so glad to be home. I walked up to the door and before I could take my key out the door swung open and my mom embraced me in a tight huh.

"Pure Mila do you have any idea how worried I.." She stopped mid sentence looking me up and down. I know I look a mess.

"Oh god, what happened to you?" She asked and before she could finish I heard a door slam and stuff falling from upstairs. A minute later my dad stomped downstairs with an angry face, something I've never seen before.

"So we let you leave the house for one night, one fucking night and you go out and be a fucking slut! What the hell is wrong with you I didn't raise you this way Mila!" My dad yelled angrily.

"Daddy what are you talking about?" Before he could answer somebody knocked at the door and just came in.

Pure Mila JamesWhere stories live. Discover now