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First off, I'd like to say thankyou guys for chosing to read this story. Why you chose this, I do not know, but I hope you enjoy it anyways!

The main reason I made this A/N is to let you guys know that this has not been proof rad, so if there are mistakes, I sincerely apologise that I can't spell and my new keyboard doesn't make it easy. 

Also, I am not the best writer. I am aware of that fact, and I'm making sure that you're aware of that fact. I am just warning you now that this fanfic was written for my amusement, and I've just decided to post it. So in that case, if you have any constructuve crticism, or tips for me, then please feel free to comment or share them because I'd like to get better!

I am also letting you know that for the third movie when I get to writing it, there will not be a set schedule that I will be following for uploading. I am currently in my first year at college, and I do not have a lot of free time on my hand, and a lot of the time I do not have to motivation to write, so I am sorry if you would like the updates to come faster, but I will do my best too write whenever I can, and get chapters out as fast as I can, because I know how frustrating it can be to have to wait forever for a new chapter of a fanfic to be released.

Now, I'm going to do a little bit of self promotion because I can. So just letting you guys know that I do have two other stories posted on my page. 

Google - Which is a 'The Internship' fanfic with Stuart Twombly as the love interest, and is completed.

The Forgotten Mikaelson - Which is a Origionals x Teen Wolf cross over with Stiles as the love interest, which I am currently still writing.

Also, just letting you know that I do have a fanfic TikTok, if you'd like to check that out. The username is fanfic_3ditsz

Now, without further adu, here is Fairytale...

Fairytale // Harry HookWhere stories live. Discover now