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"What school did she say it was again?" It was bright and early Monday morning, and after a painstaking weekend, Ken woke up on a mission. He set out to go to the venue where he saw her, and from there, he would look for any university, college, or higher institution of learning nearby and find his elusive woman.

"Because she can't just leave me like that."

"Nice Academy of Sciences and Arts"

It sure did look like a strict boarding school. It can't be that strict if I can get onto the campus without a problem. Kentrell laughed at his joke as he braved yet another steep hill. He pulled his jacket closer to his chest as the wind whipped stronger near his face. This school weather is not a joke. The snow seemed deeper and even colder than usual. But he would weather it for his baby. He looked to his left and his right. He didn't want to keep walking if he wasn't sure where to go.

"Hey bro, what you doing here?" A small group of boys approached him as they left the dining hall. They noticed him and walked over to him. Ken decided to put his plan into action. Who knows, maybe it could work. As they approached him, he began to speak, explaining his current dilemma. As he said, he was hoping they would be able to help him because it was getting colder and darker, and he needed her warm embrace, and he needed it sooner rather than later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30 ⏰

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