Chapter Four

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Izzy POV

Zed, like the good little boy he is, made his Z-band go offline and tried to attack the aliens, causing me to smile. More people found out how evil these outsiders really are! How awesome! As Zed charged to the aliens, Addison got more and more upset, until she had had enough. "Zed, stop! Enough!" She yelled while pulling Zed away from the evil aliens.

"Oops." A male alien muttered. "It seems our arrival may have caused a small, somewhat destructive energy surge."

I scoffed. "No, I hated you even before you came to Seabrook, you monsters."

Ignoring my statement, the female alien known as A-li spoke next, but her words weren't really directed to us. "It appears these angry beings may not give us their most precious thing willingly."

The second female(A/N: I know A-spen identifies as non-binary, but gender and what someone identifies as are two different things. Not trying to be rude, just... yeah. Also, to any haters of this statement: Please stop reading my book) nodded. "Then we'll have to explain our presence without telling them our mission."

I rolled my eyes. "What, your mission to steal Seabrook's 'most precious thing'?" As soon as I said that, a flier for the Cheer Off blew past and landed at the feet of the male alien from earlier.

"Oh!" The alien murmured while picking up the paper. "Huh." He, A-li, and the other girl all began reading the flier, which was really, really weird. Like, all three of them were reading the flier, which in my opinion was extremely sus.

"I'm thinking what you're thinking." The female alien I had which to know the name of told A-li and the boy alien.

A-li cleared her throat. "Take us to your leader."

The other girl alien smirked as the boy showed off the flier. "Your cheerleader."

Addison, for some reason, stepped closer to the aliens. I furrowed my brow in confusion. Bucky is the cheer captain, not her. "Hi!" Addison said cheerfully. She waved at the aliens, so I took it upon myself to intervene.

"Nope." I walked over to Addison and pushed her to the very back of the crowd.

"We accept your invitation to the National Cheer Off!" One of the aliens yelled. Turning back to the alien gathering, I made my way back to the front of the congregation of werewolves, zombies and humans.

"No, you don't." I huffed.

"Why not?" A-li asked.

"Because you're dirty, rotten, lying cheaters who are trying to steal something from Seabrook. Also, I hate you and I don't want you participating. Also, you were never invited." As soon as I uttered those words, Chief Wells shouted an order to the Z-Patrol.

"Z-Patrol, arrest them!" Officers began swarming the streets and started bringing the blue-haired fiends to the containment center. I followed, much to the dismay of Willa and Wynter.

"Where are you going?" Wynter whined.

"Yeah." Willa yawned. "We were gonna invite you to a movie night tonight."

I looked skeptically at Willa. "First off, Willa, you seem really tired, so you should probably go to bed. And secondly, as much as I hate to admit it, I kinda want to see what's up with the aliens. I mean, the last time I saw them was when I was... hmm... four and a half... maybe? Well, anyway, I want to see how they are now."

"Why?" Wynter asked. "I thought you hated them."

"Yeah, that's true," I acknowledged her words. "But I fear that I'll be the only true voice of reason. I need to make sure that no one does anything stupid, although Addison might have a problem with that." I hugged Wynter and Willa goodbye and started chasing the trucks carrying the aliens.

After a short while of running, I surpassed the vehicles by five feet, and the distance kept growing until I had made it to the containment center. As I alternated breathing through my nose and mouth, I pushed the doors open. Several workers stared at me, but I ignored them as I sat down in the foyer with my arms crossed.

"This way, aliens." A voice outside shouted. Principal Lee, Mayor Wells, and Chief Dale came through the doors I had just come through, and I followed them to a surveillance room. Once we made it inside, Addison and Bucky followed.

"Izzy? Why are you here?" Bucky asked.

"I'm not easily persuaded, so I will be a voice of reason, and I'm the only one in town who's encountered the aliens before." I shrugged.

"Great idea separating the aliens, Principal Lee." Chief Dale interrupted. I rolled my eyes and watched the security camera footage. A-li was banging her head on a table and yelling 'GET ME OUT OF HERE!!' over and over with an emotionless voice, the dude was breaking out of his handcuffs, and the other girl was... talking to Zed and Bonzo.

Principal Lee smiled. "Not my first time dealing with spacy teens."

I furrowed my brow in confusion of who she meant by 'spacy teens', but Bucky took that as permission to give an outrageous theory of why the aliens were here. "They're probably here to clone me to create an unstoppable cheer force." Bucky made a weird smiling face and I audibly groaned. "I mean, who wouldn't want more of me?"

Mayor Wells shook her head. "Well, they're uninvited and have to leave."

Addison frowned. "But we invited everyone to our Cheer Off to compete for the Seabrook Cup!"

"With all due respect," I said while crossing my arms and clearing my throat. "Addison, are you stupid? They literally made up the fact that they wanted to cheer because they're hiding ulterior motives, and they're not even from Seabrook or surrounding areas! The Cheer Off is supposed to be a National Cheer Off. That doesn't mean people from other galaxies!!"

Bucky imitated my pose. "Um... yeah! You can't just give away my bling!"

Addison sniffed in anger. "I don't intend to lose. And I always believed that cheer could bring people together. Maybe even worlds together!"

"Since when, Addison?" I asked skeptically. I even raised my left eyebrow for effect, but Bucky didn't know when to stop talking.

"Or tear our worlds apart! Mark my words, these aliens are here to take what's ours." Suddenly, Bucky screamed at the top of his lungs and the heads of everyone in the room whipped to the door. There, standing in the doorway, was the boy alien. For no reason, I glanced at the security footage for his room, and nothing was there.

"Greetings." He said, a large smile plastered on his face. "Did you want me to continue waiting alone?"

"Yep." I answered nonchalantly. Everyone else was muttering to each other to find an agreement, but I didn't find that necessary, to be honest.

"Shall I redon your ceremonial jewelry and rewire your door panel?"

"They're handcuffs, but yeah." Again, everyone else was murmuring in order to decide together, but they didn't really need to. I mean, they should just do whatever makes sense for the situation.

"Oh! May you find harmony." He walked away again and I yawned.

"Sorry, guys," I began to speak, still yawning. "As much as I would like to be the voice of reason, I have to go. Goodnight." I walked out of the room and went to the lobby. The lady at the desk unlocked the door to let me exit, and I walked out of the building and towards the forest. 

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