Chapter 21

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Hello hello! Guess who's back with a new chapter? ;)

Thank you so much for all the feedback and replies I've gotten so far! I really like reading every single one of them, even if I don't always reply!

I've been very busy, as I'm sure you can tell, but I am determined to finish this fanfic no matter what, so here we are!

With this, we start a new arc, arc 6 "The Sacrifice".

This arc is very very short, it's only this chapter, so in chapter 22 we will be starting arc 7, which should last for about two chapters! (Arc 8 is bigger, though. Hehe.)



Venti couldn't remember a time where he felt this ready. Ready... ready to sacrifice himself to save his home. Ready to say goodbye to the people he loved, all for the greater good. He knew where Istaroth was, he knew where he would find her. He made his way to the center of the Dainichi Mikoshi without trouble but with a heavy heart.

He was making the good decision; he was certain he was. Venti was convinced. Or, well, partially convinced, at least. He was doing what felt right, at least. Was his life really worth all the others that could be lost if he didn't fight against Celestia? Was life really worth living if his people disappeared? All killed because Venti did not want to face death?

No. It never was, and it never will be. Venti will walk to his end with a smile, knowing what he was doing was for a good cause. Mondstadt was about to lose its Archon very soon, but they would get another one.

They might not, who knew? Really, if Istaroth succeeded in defeating Celestia... Venti, the other archons, Mondstadt... none of them would have to worry about a nation without an Archon anymore. It would not be an issue anymore. The only one who seemed to have an issue with this would be long dead, eliminated forever.

Venti only wanted for Mondstadt to prosper, after all. That was all he ever cared for since the moment he became the Anemo Archon.

He knew Istaroth sensed his presence before he even entered the chamber she was calmly standing in. Back facing him, she didn't turn around immediately, but the way she raised her head indicated clearly that she acknowledged his presence. Venti waited for her to say the first words, silence reigning around them.

Finally, she turned around, locking her gaze with his, an appreciative look in her eyes.

Venti could not help but yearn for her approval, even after all this time.

He felt ridiculous.

He really couldn't help it.

"I knew you would come around."

Venti blinked. "What do you want me to do exactly?"

There was no need for him to explain what he was talking about, he was sure she knew already. Hard not to, if he was to be honest. After all, the whole purpose of Venti's presence in Enkanomiya was the execution of this plan Istaroth had. Or so it seems, at least. Venti felt the need to note that if the reason where to be something else, then the plan was very poorly executed.

He stayed silent.

Istaroth merely closed her eyes, unbothered by his cold response, a slow smile creeping its way to her face. Venti didn't know she was capable of smiling. He wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or to cry.

Probably both.

"Do they know?"

Venti wanted to know, he needed to know. At this point, he couldn't even try to pretend like it didn't bother him, the others being in the known, bringing him to Enkanomiya knowing very well what fate had for Venti there. Did the traveler know? Did the archons know?

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