Chapter one:Bella POV:Here We Go Again

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The first thing I noticed was I was in a very soft, strangely familiar bed that had no one else in it. Nearby, a fan was whirring and when I breathed in, I realized two things: My senses had dulled and my heart was beating. My eyes flipped wide open and I saw the soft worn out blue of my old room when I was a human. Human. The words clanged through me like a stick shaking an iron cage.

I felt the blood pulsing through me, felt my lungs dragging in air and blowing it out, felt my soft skin cling to my body, I was aware of everything about my body at that moment. But. . .I was a vampire. I was changed two days before my 19th birthday, giving up my mortality for many things, but most pointedly at the fact that I was dying, suffering the consequences of giving birth to Renesmee. My hand immediately flew to my stomach.

Vampires couldn't dream. At least, not in the sense where it feels so real. So what was even going on?

Looking around, I saw the narrow room I had in Phoenix, Arizona. The same walls, the same layout, the same walk-in closet that was filled to the brim with random crap, the same bed that dominated the floor space, the overhead light with its broken fan and, of course, the loud fan I had instead. Outside the window in front of me, I saw the neighbors house-an old woman with her two boys and a golden retriever that always barked at me-and the sky, slowly turning the light blue I had missed so much over the years. Of course, Edward and I would often find ways to remedy that, but we could never live in sunny places.

Edward! Where would the rest of my family be? Last I remember, we were in Michigan, finally enjoying a family vacation without Jacob. I love Jake (as a brother, don't worry) but he was very clingy to my daughter.

I huffed, sliding out of the bed and walking into my own bathroom, inspecting myself. I was wearing the same old ratty sweatpants and T-shirt I always wore, and I was in my seventeen year old body. I quickly ran to the kitchen, and froze when I saw the date.

January 17, 2005. Today would be the day I move to Forks, Washington, living with my dad, Charlie Swan. I jumped when I heard footsteps heading for the den that was connected to the kitchen, tears welling in my eyes when I saw Renee, my mom. Mom looked the same, of course, considering I was somehow back in time, and I quickly spun around to make breakfast for us.

"Morning, Bella." Mom groggily said, wiping her eyes and sitting at the table. Phil followed behind her, immediately getting coffee and mumbling good morning before going on his morning run.

"Morning, mom." I muttered, trying to keep my emotions in check. I quickly toasted bagels for us, getting out the butter and cream cheese. Once I had that set up at the table I sat down. Mom, as usual, only had to take two minutes before she was wide awake. I really wish she could know Alice, they were so similar.

"So, it's a big day." Mom prompted, grabbing the butter knife.

"Yeah." I mumbled. It was a little strange. The first time this happened I was miffed, now I just wanted to see if Edward remembered our past life. What if he didn't? What if he did what would have been best for his family and ignore me? I would let him choose, of course, and just try to figure out what was going on while living my life without him, but it would hurt.

The rest of the morning was weird, but I enjoyed it. Spending time with mom was nice. After so long it was a gift to have some time with her. Phil was nice to hang out with, too. I'd never had any problems with him and we had a friendly enough relationship that nothing was weird.

* * *

The car ride with Charlie was probably awkward, but I'd been living with him for two years, so for me it was pleasant. We didn't talk much, but just chatting about the weather and my calm, some-what happy demeanor made us flow together a little bit better than the first time around.

I unpacked my things, talking to Charlie for a few minutes before excusing myself to go grocery shopping, knowing that Charlie's pantry was definitely empty. As I drove around in my truck (that I missed almost as much as I missed Renee) I cataloged everything, fruitlessly trying to find differences in my memory. Everything was exactly the same. I bet I could save myself from Tyler's van now-it would happen in the exact same way.

My different decisions didn't seem to end the world, at least, something I fretted over while on the airplane. It was like I was supposed to live through it all again as if I haven't and some glitch made me remember I've done it before.

Charlie finally voiced his confusion at me ease at moving so far away during our sinner of spaghetti and meatballs, to which I just told him the half-truth: Forks was growing on me quickly and I didn't really have any friends to miss, anyway.

* * *

I got to school early to get my schedule and stuff from Mrs.Cope and to scope out the parking lot. Sure enough, I saw Edward's shiny silver Volvo (he very begrudgingly let it go two years ago in the original timeline) but couldn't see them outside.

The first day of school was odd. Being a vampire and going through this before made everything less awkward, from the comments on my pale skin to the curious gazes that never left me, but I still was flushed and acting like the seventeen year old me would have.

Meeting Jessica again was also a weird moment, so I found and pulled Jess and I closer to Angela, who I made the executive decision to hang out with more this time around. I wondered what Jacob was up to, if he remembered it all. No one else seemed to. And my family. . .

The minute I entered the cafeteria, I would know the answer to my most anxious question. Jessica and Angela seamlessly got into line for lunch, and I froze, sighing in relief when I saw my family gazing back at me with knowing gold eyes.

So here is the first chapter I hope you enjoyed! What are your theories? Thanks for reading and have a nice day/night!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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