
COLOR: ⠀Purple
FOOD: ⠀Mushroom pasties
DRINK:⠀Black tea
LIKES: ⠀The outdoors, horses, sunny weather, having downtime
DISLIKES: ⠀Winter, "stupidity", the military police, being called "lucky"


BACKSTORY SUMMARY: ⠀Amelia was born a young, sickly child in Shiganshina District. Her family had little to their name, and most money went towards the various sicknesses she would contract throughout her childhood. No one believed she would make it past her teen years as a result of this — but in spite of her weak physical being, she was fiery, stubborn, and oftentimes reckless. She had a deep idolization for the Survey Corps, due to perceiving them as the strongest of the three military branches.

Amelia's health made small improvements as she got older, and in her teenage years, she followed her cousin Mike in enlisting in the military. She was fifteen at the time of her enlistment, which brought great distress to her family. She was determined to be the best — not out of a desire to join the Military Police, but to prove that she was no longer the weak little girl from her childhood. Over three years, she built up her physical strength and while she struggled with swordsmanship, she was quite proficient in ODM maneuvering — made quicker by her lightness. Everything she lacked physically she made up for in steadfast determination and grit.

Amelia would end up ranking ninth overall, and still chose the Survey Corps to serve with her cousin and newfound friend, Erwin Schmidt. As expected, 1/3 of the Cadets who joined the Survey Corps would die, and towards the end of the year, Amelia nearly became one of them.

An expedition outside the walls in December was cut short by inclement weather, an unexpected blizzard making its way from the North through the South. The intensity of the storm was unlike anything in their records — and so the Scouts were ill-equipped to deal with the heavy snow and winds. Naturally, they turned back.

While Titans moved slower in the winter, it didn't lessen the threat, and the formation was attacked by several on their return. The Scouts dealt as best as they could, narrowly escaping. A handful of Titans lingered in pursuit of Amelia's squadmates. After two members of their squad were grabbed — Amelia and one other soldier attempted to save them. Out of the four soldiers who turned back — Amelia was the only one to survive, and was abandoned by her Captain in the snow.

Alone and afraid with nothing but a horse — she was determined to make it back to Wall Maria.

Night fell and eventually her horse, ill-equipped for the weather, collapsed and never got back up, leaving Amelia to complete the rest of the treck on foot. While most of the Scouts assumed she was eaten like everybody else — her squad members waited by an outpost near the gate in hopes of seeing something, even when it fell dark.

Amelia collapsed halfway to the outpost, and the last thing she remembered was being heaved into the arms of Mike Zacharias, who had mumbled three crucial words.

It was after this incident that Amelia earned the nickname that stuck with her for life: Humanity's Luckiest Soldier.

PRESENT: ⠀In ten years of service Amelia has risen to the rank of Captain — developing an interest in tactical operations and how to lessen their current casualty count. She was promoted to Captain a few months before the fall of Wall Maria and was often at the front of the formation on expeditions, leading to her developing a notably high kill and assist count. Amelia was invited to join the Special Operations Squad by Levi — an offer she initially declined in favor of wanting to be promoted to Section Commander in the future. However, she eventually changed her mind.


FAMILY: ⠀Jonas Werner ( father, deceased ) ; Emery Werner ( mother, deceased ) ; Mike Zacharias ( maternal cousin )
FRIENDS: ⠀Her former squadmates , Hange Zoe ( close friend ) , The Special Operations Squad
PAST RELATIONSHIPS: ⠀Erwin Smith ( former crush )
LEVI ACKERMAN ⇝ the enemy-turned-close confidant, Amelia and Levi initially did not get along when he joined the Survey Corps. Levi found her arrogance and humor obnoxious, whereas Amelia found his attitude condescending and annoying. However, through time, they began to appreciate the traits that made them different from one another, although their friendship is still characterized by a level of snark and sarcastic quips. Levi asks Amelia to join his Special Operations Squad due to her experience which surpassed that of even his own squadmates — indicating their level of trust in one another. As the members of the Survey Corps who always come back to one another, it seems only natural for this trust to develop into something more.

ERWIN SMITH ⇝ the childhood friend; Amelia, Mike, Erwin, and Nile were all in the same Cadet class. Erwin was the first boy to not belittle or coddle Amelia due to her weaker constitution and lack of physical strength (that wasn't Mike). She watched him fumble through his adolescence during their years in Cadet training, and along the way developed a girlhood crush on the boy. They all moved to the Survey Corps except for Nile, and over time, Amelia thought her feelings for her close friend went away — especially when Erwin stepped into his role as Commander, leaving little time for romance to bloom. But just because she says she no longer feels anything for him, doesn't necessarily make it true.

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