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finney's POV:

wednesday, september 12

i woke up, facing the wall, to the sound of nothing. it was completely silent, not even the birds were up to greet me this morning. i turned over facing my room reaching for my phone so i could check the time. praying it wasn't too early so i could just go back to sleep. and just with my luck. it was 6:05 

great. my alarm for school would be going off in five minutes. no use going back to bed. i can't be late to the first day. i went ahead and turned off the alarm while checking my messages, which were just some from robin and the group chat talking about how today was gonna be total ass. ( btw the gc is finney, robin, bruce, griffin)

i dragged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom to turn on the water so i could shower, then came back to my room to get my clothes. i went into my closet to find something to wear. it was already 6:10 when i picked my outfit, which was just a plain white over-sized shirt with black baggy pants along with my belt . i made the decision to stuff my hoodie in my backpack in case it got cold or i (or someone else) spilled something on me. i walked back to the bathroom and placed my clothes on the shelf near the sink and hopped in the shower. the hot water made my body shiver when i first got in but felt good once i got used to it. about what felt like ten minutes later i heard a faint knock on the door.

"WHO IS IT" i yelled. 

"IT'S ME CAN I COME IN I NEED TO BRUSH MY TEETH," i heard gwen yell back. 

"OKAY YEA, COME IN" i answered pulling the curtains closed as she opened the door. 

i could hear her turn the water on and the sound of her brushing her teeth. i felt the water getting cold for a split second before returning to its regular hot temperature. after a minute or two i heard the door shut and peeked my head out to double check she was gone and continued showering. i got out a few minutes later and checked the time. 6:40 it read. i still had time to get ready but i quickly dried myself and put on my clothes and after brushing my teeth i went back to my room to grab my backpack then made my way downstairs. thankfully my dad wasn't here. he had gone out a day or two ago and left a note on the fridge saying going out for a while i'll be back later. he always did this. he'd go out for four to five days, leave the same note on the fridge, then come back, acting like he wasn't gone for most of the week and go back to his regular self, drowning himself in alcohol. neither me or gwen minded when this happened, which was often nowadays. it was better when he was gone. we could bring friends over without getting yelled at or having to sneak them in and out the window, which was such a relief even though no one ever said anything when they had to jump of the small balcony from my or gwen's room.

i walked into the kitchen and grabbed the frosted flakes from the top cabinet right beside the bowls then getting the milk from the fridge pouring some into my bowl (after i poured the cereal in ofc) i grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and started slicing them and putting them in my cereal. i had started doing this ever since i went over to robin's house a few years ago and his uncle happened to be there. i remember i had woken up earlier than robin and had gone downstairs to get something to eat and his uncle was there. he was standing against the counter in his work clothes and had asked me if i was hungry. i said i was and he got the frosted flakes that were on top of their fridge and whispered to me that the secret to the best cereal was to put fruit in it. at the time he had strawberries in his but told me bananas were his fav and so he put the bananas in, slicing them as i am now and i remember i devoured it as if i hadn't eaten in days. 

just as i'd finished slicing my bananas i heard the sound of someone walking down the stairs. taking my first bite i turned around and saw gwen walking down on her phone doing who knows what.

"hey good morning," i told her as she looked up from her phone.

"oh hey morning," she said putting her phone in her back pocket and walking towards me.

"watcha eating?" she told me as she got the bread from the cabinet putting them into the toaster.

"js some cereal. you gonna make urself some toast?," i said.

"yup you want?" i shook my head taking my third bite of cereal as she brought her attention back to her phone.

i finished my cereal and placed the bowl in the sink. it was now 7:00. school started in 30 minutes so we still had some time to kill plus our house was like 10 minutes away from the school building.

"i'm gonna go ahead and head out i think i'm gonna stop by the grab n go before school," i told gwen walking toward the door where the shoes were putting on my converse.

"oh okay, be careful," she responded as i was already grabbing my backpack from the couch and the house keys from the counter heading out the door.

i walked out of the house, put on my headphones and pressed play on my phone. i was going to the grab n go but that was only to get snacks for robin who had asked me monday and cigarettes. i forgot when i started smoking but when i did i couldn't stop. my mom used to smoke. i remember me and gwen would come back from school and she would be waiting outside on her rocking chair. i don't know why she did it back then but as i grew older and also started doing it i realized she probably did it to clear her head. i knew from a very young age that my mother had it harder than anyone in the family. she had to deal with my dad. i never knew why we couldn't just run away and move somewhere far away from him and when i did ask she would tell me that there was no reason to move. gwen was very young when my dad started to become abusive and so she didn't know how badly our mom actually got hurt. but i knew. i knew under all that cake of makeup that there were dark bruises and scars on her natural beautiful face. i knew that look in our mother's eyes when we'd leave for school and she was left alone with dad. but what i didn't know was how badly it had gotten before she died. how badly it had gotten before she decided to kill herself.


okay thats it for this chapter sorry it took so long i was on vaca and had originally told myself that'd i would post this part when i could but was js to lazy and forgot but sorry it isn't much i didn't rlly know what to put but the next part will hopefully be better i already have a little of it done soo yea😊

also I did not expect the first part to get like any views but it actually got quite a few and I was so surprised but also someone voted for my story? Idk what that means but I think it's a good thing so thank you to whoever voted it😛😛😛

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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