first glance

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3rd person POV:

it was Robin's first day of the third grade. he was so nervous to go to a new school after being home schooled for the first few years of his education.

"robin ¿estas listo?" (robin, are you ready?), his mom, catelyna, yelled from downstairs preparing his lunch. 

"si, ya voy mami" (yes, i'm going mom), robin answered aware of how high he raised his voice. 

robin ran downstairs zooming past his many family photos hanging on the wall. they were mostly of him, his uncle, and mom. his dad had left them when he was only two and ever since, it had just been the three of them. even if his tio didn't live with them he always tried his best to visit during holidays and whenever he could but it was a little hard since he worked in a business that travels a lot.

robin hurried to grab his lunch from the kitchen counter and saw his mom waiting for him by the door. they started walking making their way to the school, which was only a few minutes from their house. robin and his mom had moved when he was 4 only because his mom was having trouble finding work and their bills for the apartment they lived in were only piling up. now catelyna works in the town's small coffee shop where robin would now go to after school.

"are you excited mijo?" Robin's mom questioned him, wondering why he wasn't his usual loud,  enthusiastic self.

"yea i guess," robin answered kicking a rock on the sidewalk into the grass. not that thrilled to be away from his mom for so long though he'd never admit it to anyone.


they walked into the building a few seconds before the bell rang but since robins mom still had to talk to the office it didn't rlly matter. robin was curiously inspecting the hallways. to robin, the school was huge. he had only ever seen the building from the outside when him and his mom went to get groceries but even then he didn't think much about actually attending it. just as he was about to complain and ask if they could go home he saw that they were nearing what seemed to be the office door and let the thought go. catelyna opened the door and the two of them sat down waiting for the front desk lady to finish with her phone call. the room was filled with trophies and certificates of many teachers and top students. as robins feet swung back and forth from the chair a boy a little shorter than robin entered the room struggling to open the door. he had dark chestnut hair and wore a blue hoodie with a rocket ship on it, blue tennis shoes and black sweatpants. the boy walked up to some cubbies, slipped in some papers robin didn't see in his hand, then left waving goodbye to the front desk lady who waved back, and for a split second glanced at robin before shutting the door. eventually she finished her phone call and finally called over robin's mom. she had his mom fill out some paperwork then told her after she was done robin would be all set. after catelyna finished she kissed & hugged robin and walked out of the office heading to work. with robin's feet still dangling from the chair the lady pressed a button beside her desk and said something into the mic right next to it. robin couldn't quite comprehend what it was she said but remained silent, fidgeting with his necklace. 

"alright robin i'm sorry for the wait but I'll bring you to ur class now... okayy it looks like you'll be in room 17 this semester," the lady said squinting at her computer screen as she stood up.

"okay," robin said, getting up from his own seat and following the front desk lady, which he saw on her name tag that her name was linda, out the office back again into the hallways. 

they walked in silence and soon robin noticed they were near a door which read ROOM 17. linda knocked on the door and within a few seconds the door flew open revealing about 18 kids chatting with one another on the carpet unaware of the late student in the doorway. 

"hello mrs. smith! this here is robin, he will be joining ur class this year," linda explained to the teacher, mrs. smith.

" oh! well hello Robin it's nice to meet you," mrs. smith said to robin waving at him. 

"hi," robin uttered. 

he didn't know why but he was unable to speak properly. he could feel his throat getting tight and his thoughts being mixed in with all the speaking happening inside the room he was walking into. just as he was about to ask where the restroom was so he wouldn't embarrass himself by crying in front of everyone on the first day, he noticed a familiar fluffy haired boy sitting alone staring at his feet. it was the same boy that came into the office earlier when robin was in there. robin didn't know why but he found himself calming down as he glanced at the boy. 

robin regained focused on mrs. smith however when she told him, "robin you can just take a seat wherever you want on the rug. okay class let's get started now shall we!" the last part she said referring to the entire class.

as robin turned his attention back to the class he saw that the fluffy haired boy was now staring at him and they made eye contact. the boy noticed he was caught staring and quickly returned his gaze back to the ground. 

i might as well sit by him so i at least have a friend here, robin thought to himself, trying to forget what just happened even though he himself didn't know what that feeling was when they looked at each other. he started walking towards the boy and once he got near enough he slightly waved at him hoping he would return it and, thankfully, he did. robin sat beside him and for the first time since he got here he actually tried starting a conversation with someone.

"hii i'm robin," robin told the boy hoping to get his name.

"hiii my name's finney it's nice to meet you," finney told robin with a slight smile. 

finney, robin thought to himself. it was a pretty name. he hoped him and finney would be good friends. 

anywayss i hope who ever reads this likes it and yea i'll try to think of something soon for the next chapter🫡

please leave your thoughts in the comments i need to know if this is good or not 😭

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