Honeykit looked back at her with a smile on his face. "Yay! Thanks, Boragewisp!" He cried and bounced away. Boragewisp ruffled her pelt. Good riddance. I'm getting too old for these little shenanigans.

She walked back outside and grabbed a sardine from the fresh-kill pile and walked back over to her den to quickly eat. Time passed by and soon she had finished and started to groom, trying to get every whisker in place. After all, the Gathering was coming up very soon and Boragewisp wanted to look okay in front of the others. Especially the other medicine cats, after all, Sloestem could be a thorn in one's side sometimes. Arrogant furball. She thought bitterly. Her gaze softened when she stopped and looked back at her Clan. Even though there were still cats that she wasn't terribly fond off, she still liked this Clan. Her home.

Amberbite and Clawpaw soon came back from their patrol and Clawpaw seemed honestly kind of bored. Boragewisp watched as Clawpaw saw Riverclaw and smiled. The nine-moon old apprentice went over to check with the older cat and murmured something to them. Riverclaw seemed happy with the idea and went into the warriors' den. Confused, and also a little concerned on what Clawpaw was up to, Boragewisp went over to talk with the young she-cat. "What was that all about?" She asked. Clawpaw jumped in surprise, not seeming to have noticed Boragewisp walk over to her. "Oh! I was just suggesting that they should go check their nest. Maybe decorate it, rebuild it, fluff it up. Something like that." She explained. Boragewisp soon relaxed after Clawpaw's confession. It seemed legit and honestly not that bad.

That was... until she heard a yowl coming from the warriors' den.

Boragewisp, Amberbite, Oatblur, and Clawpaw all dashed into the den where they saw Riverclaw hiss in pain. Boragewisp walked over to them. "What's wrong?" She asked. Riverclaw looked up at her. "Well, you see, I was fluffing up my nest like Clawpaw suggested, when I, well... let's just say that I was pranked." They answered, showing Boragewisp one of their paws. In it was a thorn stuck in their pad. "Hmmm..." Boragewisp hummed while thinking. Why would someone put a thorn into Riverclaw's bedding? Especially a thorn this size too!

Behind her, Clawpaw started to burst out laughing, Oatblur following her. The older warriors and medicine cat looked at them, confused. "What's so funny?" Boragewisp asked. Clawpaw looked at her. "I put the thorn there when Riverclaw wasn't looking." Before anyone could ask why, Clawpaw immediately added. "For revenge last moon!" Amberbite whipped their gaze to Oatblur. "Did you know about this?" They asked. Oatblur nodded. "I wasn't a part of it, but Clawpaw told me what she was doing after she already snuck the thorn in." Oatblur flinched when Amberbite glared at him. Meanwhile Riverclaw grinned. "You got me good!" They exclaimed as Boragewisp fastened her teeth on the thorn, ready to pull it out.

She soon yanked it out, which caused Riverclaw to yelp in surprise and limped back. Small drops of blood started to leak out, staining the ground. However, the gray and white cat grinned and looked at the young apprentice. "You got me good." They remarked. Clawpaw blinked and stood up straight, her tail started to rise up. "Really?" She mewed happily. Riverclaw trotted over to her, but careful not to use their leg. They gently nuzzled her head-fluff with their muzzle, amused. "Oh of course not! That was quite a stunt. I'm proud." Clawpaw beamed from happiness at the troublesome cat's praise.

Amberbite meanwhile didn't seemed as pleased. "I for one didn't like it." They meowed, lashing their tail left to right. "You pranked another cat, but by injuring them? Clanmates don't hurt each other." Amberbite snarled. Riverclaw looked at their denmate. "It was just a joke." They tried to reason the ginger and white warrior. "A bad one." Amberbite hissed. "I'm going to have to tell Fuzzstar about this. With this little prank of yours, you might not be able to go to the next Gathering!" They snapped. Clawpaw froze, her cobalt eyes widening. Oatblur stood in front of his former denmate in defense. "H-hold on now. Sure she did something a little was more for someone to get a thorn, but she's a good apprentice and deserves to be with her friends... from other Clans." He added quickly.

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