Chapter 10

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Boragewisp quietly walked through the territory, looking for tansy. It was super helpful, from healing wounds and getting poison out, to help stop cats from getting greencough. She walked across the territory, getting farther away from the shore and started to walk onto the more brittle grass.

A few days have passed since Oatblur became a warrior and even though he was happy, it seemed as though his insecurity was still with him. Boragewisp soon came upon the yellow flowers by the more softer grass. Their leaves were spiked and prickly, but Boragewisp knew that the petals of the flower were gentler. She cautiously started to pick them, placing them down on the ground. When she had collected a few more, she picked up the bundle and headed back to camp.

When she got back she saw that the Clan was very busy. The annoying - at least to Boragewisp-  Honeykit was playing around with Oatblur who seemed to like the young kit. I can't wait until he's an apprentice. Maybe then he won't get into so much trouble. She thought. Then sighed. Never mind, I highly doubt that will happen. Wolfblotch was organizing patrols and Fuzzstar was quietly grooming on HighTree. Ashmoss was talking to Riverclaw as the two padded off to the warriors' den. It seemed as though the two had made up after the little stunt Riverclaw pulled. Meanwhile Amberbite and Clawpaw were walking toward the exit, but Clawpaw kept looking back at Riverclaw and smirking. Boragewisp just shook her head. That young she-cat was going to do great things, but she kept acting strange sometimes.

Boragewisp took her precious herbs to her quiet den, happy by the soothing darkness that surrounded her. Sometimes she just needed peace and quiet from all the kits that seemed to have been from chaos itself. She padded through the den, feeling the familiar fragrance of plants swarm around her. She gently placed the tansy on one of her shelves before returning back outside.

When she sat down, she relaxed and watched her fellow Clanmates. She enjoyed it, but she couldn't help but feel saddened. She was growing much older, but she knew that Honeykit wouldn't seem fit to be a medicine cat apprentice. She wanted to have a succeeder before she joined Sunnypaw in the stars, but her Clan was still so small. She didn't know how to help them.

As she was watching them, she noticed Honeykit was playing a bit too rough. Honeykit let out a roar and leaped forward, trying to tackle Oatblur to the ground. Oatblur only smiled and darted away. Honeykit soon landed onto the ground a lot more aggressively and let out a small groan. Boragewisp stood up, her eyes wide. Is he hurt? She wondered and dashed over to the old kit. Oatblur froze and stared in shock.

Honeykit sat up and let out a few complaints as Boragewisp looked around on Honeykit to check for any wounds or even just a few bruises. However, she did notice some cuts and scrapes. "Honeykit, you shouldn't be playing that roughly." Boragewisp stated harshly. Honeykit didn't flinch. "Oh, I'm sorry Boragewisp. Can I continue playing now?" He asked, staring innocently at her.

Boragewisp stood up, her eyes glaring down at the young kit. "No, let me clean you up first." She snapped. Oatblur cocked his head at her. "He's not terribly injured. Why are you so upset?" He asked. Boragewisp looked back to look at the ginger tom. "I'm annoyed because this little kit is never helpful and is always casing problems for other cats." She answered. Honeykit didn't seemed too effected by it, but he did seem a little hurt.

Oatblur opened his mouth, but soon closed it. "Just don't be so harsh on the kit, okay Boragewisp?" He asked. Boragewisp didn't agree. "He's going to be an apprentice next moon you know." She replied and picked up the kit by the neck scruff and carried him back to her den. She quickly started to treat her patient, licking his fur and getting rid of all of the dust and rocks and other things that got stuck in it before cleaning his scrapes. When Boragewisp finished she stood up and looked down at Honeykit. "Okay, you're free to go now." She meowed.

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