chapter seven

Começar do início

"I've been thinking about you for years. About how you killed my brother."

"I killed a lot of pirates."

"My name is Cabaji, and a couple years ago you hunted us across the Goa Kingdom. Followed us for weeks through the swamplands, day and night, never relenting, like some kind of demon."

Blade's heart rate sped up, wondering how the Zoro she used to know could do such a thing. She remembered when she'd told him she wanted to be a pirate hunter, and he was shocked, unable to understand how she wanted to kill people for money. Now the roles were reversed.

Cabaji turned around, staring Blade right in the eyes. She continued to fiddle with the lock pick, but her breathing increased. Luckily, Zoro spoke again.

"Still not ringing a bell."

Cabaji threw his knife at Zoro, it landing next to his face.

"You cut off his head and you stuff it in a bag all for a few berry."

"Okay, that does sound like me."

"Let's see if you can keep your head."

Cabaji spun the wheel around, throwing knives at Zoro and luckily missing. He eventually stopped it.

"You really don't fear death, do you?"

"No, I just don't fear you."

Cabaji threw another knife, which landed right next to Zoro's wrist.

"You know, I'm gonna enjoy this. As soon as Captain Buggy's finished with you, you're mine."

"Tempting as it sounds, I'm not sticking around."

"Really? Got somewhere else to be?"

"Didn't used to think so. But Luffy changed that."

"That simpleton in a straw hat. Don't tell me you actually believe in him?"

"I don't need to. He believes in himself. It rubs off. And one more thing. Don't turn around."

Cabaji didn't listen to Zoro, turning around and m
being met with a kick to the stomach from Blade. He fell right into Zoro, who wrapped an arm around his neck as Blade under the right rope from his wrist, the other one already being broken from the knife. Cabaji passed out and fell to the floor.

The two walked over to their swords, bandana and masks. Blake turned around to swap her mask.

"You know, you're pretty twisted," she said.

"What?" Zoro asked.

"Killing pirates for Berry."

"You still not over that?"

"I don't know if I ever will be."

"Don't act like you don't do it."

"Not for Berry. For protection. I, unlike you, have a purpose, a mission. You just kill then for a little pocket change."

"It's more complicated than that."

"Oh yeah? Go on."


"Oh, so you just want me to hate you?"

"I don't really care."

"You should. We're gonna be on a boat together for god knows how long."

"I doubt that. Knowing you pirates, you'll get bored of us, take the map and leave on your own. That's what you did the Mihawk, right? Leave."

Blade raised her sword to Zoro's neck. He stumbled backwards slightly, but his facial expression didn't falter.

"I would never leave Mihawk if it wasn't for our safety. He was my best friend. Although I doubt you know anything about that."

"I did."

"Yeah, last tense. What'd you do? Leave them out of boredom?" Blade mocked Zoro. She knew he didn't. She knew that her and Kuina were the ones who'd left him, despite it not being in purpose. But her guard was up now, she couldn't make it seem like she knew him, not as well as she did.

"They both died."

Blade furrowed her brows. He thought she was dead.


"Yes. Now let's go, Nami probably has a plan."

𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 • Roronoa ZoroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora