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Luna Hex...

Name meaning: Moon

Age: 17 years old

Age in Gravos: 27 years old

Best friend: Mina Hals (according to Mina)

Crush: All the demon boys

Demonic level: As demonic as a human teen girl can be!

Aggressive level: a lot / 10

Role in the group: The human housing these demon idiots for the time being / the one they all like

Best at: Art, being a simp for the demon boys, and beating people with pans

Fears: Spiders and a virus on her computer.

Illnesses: Anxiety, Paranoia, ADHD, ADD, OCD, PTSD, and Anger Issues

Description: Luna Hex grew up as a normal kid. But once she hit middle school, she became distant. She became protective and argumentative. People made fun of her because of her love of art and her parents being dead. She's now 17 living in her own apartment on the 7th floor. Luna is housing five demon boys and a weird assassin. Their species being called Gravos. She's trying to juggle everything going on in her life while still being found in her bed until 9 am.


Mayanna Hutz...

Age: 17

Best friend: Dyllion and Handen

Crush: Top Secret..

Demonic level: [REDACTED]

Aggressive level: ?? / 10

Role in the group: Support/Lifeline

Best at: Being secretive, knowing everything, being an assassin

Afraid of: Not being helpful, being unable to save someone, opening up the fridge and not finding strawberries

Description: Though she may seem to hate you, she probably would kill anyone for you being well-trained assassin after some traumatic events involving her and her brothers. She is one the most sensitive demons given the fact that she is the demon of emotion. She would give up anything for her older brother and would kill anyone for the people she is keeping safe. Mayanna will not hesitate to kill you or at least knock you out if you frustrate her. She gets annoyed very easily and her emotions are fragile. She enjoys parkour, football, archery, and death dules. She lives off of pineapple pizza and strawberries. Her brother is way too protective of her and treats her as a glass doll, like Mayanna could break any moment.


Donovan Abaddon...

Name meaning: Dark warrior, destruction

Age: 19

Best friend: Dillon Amin

Crush: Too much time causing mischief to care

Demonic level: Off the charts / 10

Aggressive level: infinite / 10

Role in the group: Leader

Best at: Scaring mortals and demons on occasion

Afraid of: Not having olives on pizza

Descriptions: At first glance, Donovan might seem like he doesn't care about consequences, and that is accurate. Being the prince if demons, he's pretty ruthless. He's obsessed with weapons and fails every class. But he does make deep and long-lasting friendships. He's amazing under pressure, but he is the exact opposite of "calm." He's most likely the most reliable demon you'll ever meet. Well, if you happen to meet a demon, that is.. He a straight up psychopath. Donovan hasn't destroyed a planet yet.. He's definitely the class clown as you would say it.. On earth.. Donovan is probably the most destructive "thing" every. He has caused many crimes, such as mass murder, deforestation, making people question their existence, and putting the empty gallon of milk back in the fridge. He basically lives off dark chocolate. He cannot pay attention to save his life. If given a chance, he would eat all the pizza in the entire world. As long as it had olives. Donovan would be you best friend if you gave him any berry.


Dillon Amin...

Name meaning: Loyal, faithful

Age: 18

Crush: Any girl (a specific one in mind)

Demonic level: 5 / 10

Aggressive level: 4.8 / 10 unless his gf is in trouble then he has adrenaline coursing through his veins

Role in the group: The smart one

Best at: Knowing things (everything..)

Afraid of: Confrontation, losing his gf, and bacon on pizza

Description: Your typical boy. He likes video games. He's smart(ish), has a crush, likes pineapple on pizza even though no one else does. He also absolutely loves reading and would choose a good book and some Rentosa (A common dessert where the boys are from) over going outside with everyone else. But, he loves tv.. Like everyone else. Dillon is not usually athletic, but he would kill anyone for his friends. (Not Na'an.)


Ma'an Hetz...

Name meaning: Lecturer, respect, supernatural power, opinion, devotion, home, pride

Age: 17

Best friend: No one

Crush: Luna Hex, Donovan Abaddon

Demonic level: 0 when fine, when angered more demonic than everyone combined

Aggressive level: 0.001 / 10

Role in the group: Clingy, sweet cinnamon bun

Afraid of: Cats, Mice, Dogs, Graveyards, Thunder, Lightning, Cars, Mean people

Description: He is a sweet teen who is willing to befriend anyone kind enough. He is interested in learning everything he can about the human world. He wants to get over his fears.. Na'an is the one with the least powerful magic, so he feels he has to prove himself to the others. Even though most of them love him for who he is.. (AS A FRIEND! Hint hint... Donovan and Mayanna...)


Dyllion Hutz...

Name meaning: Son of the wave

Age: 19

Best friend: Mayanna Hutz

Crush: Donovan Abaddon

Demonic level: 13 / 10

Aggressive level: 12 / 10

Role in the group: The one who wants to murder anyone

Best at: Murder

Afraid of: Not being able to save Donovan if he's in trouble, boys coming near Mayanna, and Mayanna herself.

Description: [REDACTED] 


Handen Maz...

Name meaning: High Hill

Age: 18

Best friend: Hutz's

Crush: Luna Hex

Demonic level: 5 / 10

Aggressive level: Not aggressive unless provoked

Role in the group: The protector, silent type, can carry on a whole conversation with one word. Yes.

Best at: Protecting friends

Afraid of: Not being able to save the people he trusts, people harming him or others

Description: He was bullied throughout most of his life, making him train himself not to let his emotions slip out. He gives off a cold and heartless vibe. But, in all honestly, he is a very kind, honest, and caring soul. He loves to care for those he trusts and will do anything to protect them. Even if it means bloodshed.

Hello! Hoped everyone had a good day/night. This is the end of the Introduction to the characters in "Gravos On Earth." Now, I'm assuming a lot of people skipped this part.. Trust me, I would too. Anyways! Thank you for just reading it! 1017 words. -Iris and Myler

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