"Izumi Tartal-Towne, the one who kept many from dying. The one who started the Quirk War by kidnapping those with Quirks to keep them safe." He's shocked that she's still alive and has not been aged at all before he noticed he couldn't take her Quirk meaning this isn't a Quirk at all, but it actually something supernatural making her to laugh as she smirks at him which has him fully freaking out as he can't believe she's still alive as he needs to know how she's still alive which's going to be fully difficult as she's not going to be answering him unless it's in riddles making him to hate her for that as Izumi doesn't care about that fully.

"Why hello, dear Numbuh Two Villain!~ Still not' happy to be Numbuh two Villain whayl my brothuh is Numbuh One?~ Awww~ Too bad!~ If yau weren't' so focused on being the Villain, yau might' of had the chanc' to help thos' who neiding saving than just' trying to tak' ovuh Japan~" Izumi said making All For One to shiver as she's taunting him and he still needs to know how she's still alive making her to laugh again.

"Aww~ Don't' tell me yau're scared of me, All For One~ Yau want' to know how I'm aliv', right'~ *Laughs* I'm immortal!~ Hav' bein for a very long tim'!~ Long befor' meiting yauh brothuh!~ Yau saw me soo many times and yet' yau cauldn't' even think of looking me up!~" All For One was quick to do so and saw multiplying of pictures of her and her brother making him to shiver as he can't believe it as he looks back to her with fear in his eyes and terror as this is not going to be a good thing.

"You... You made a deal with ze devil... You..." Izuli laughs a again as she can't believe this as it's not all fully about her as he only knows sorting this making her to enjoy this as she wipes her tears making All For One to be scared as he doesn't know what to do as he's scared of his sister-in-law and he's scared of what she can do to him as he shivers and falls down making everyone, but Shinso and Monoma to be scared of her making her to wonder what they want with her as she looks to her dear 'big brother' as she figures why not.

"Year 1635, fiftein years aftuh I was born in 1620 is the year I somehow summoned the Devil, but' wishes hav' praisss and aurs wer' to be immortality~" Izumi confessed making All For One to be very scared as she's ancient and more powerful than he is as Yoko, Kaminari, Tokoyami and Asui also broke free and showed their true forms. Kaminari went into his Raiju form, Tokoyami shows his a Tengu and Asui's fully a female Kappa shocking the many Villains and Bakugou, but Izumi hides it as she had guessed, but never asked.

Izumi has royalty clothing and a crown on her head making her to be shocked as she never had this kind of clothing on her before, but she'll ignore it for now as all four had fully removed their memories of this night and saved Bakugo as Izumi can't save Tenko Shimura cause of his mind set fully done to him by All For One making her to hate this as all five got out and left making the Pro-Heroes to see them as Bakugo's knocked out cold and Kaminari, Tokoyami, Asui and Izumi were still awake as they hide their true forms.

It's making many to question them, but they didn't have the answers to it since they need to hide what truly happened as All For One knows before making him to forget that his sister-in-law's still alive. Bakugo woke up in the school infirmary making him to be confused as he fully doesn't remember anything other than being kidnapped by the L.O.V and is in a bar, but then Kaminari, Tokoyami, Asui and Izumi shows up and were tied up like him before blackness making them to groan as there's no clue to what even happened there.

It's making them to be stuck in this mess as this is not going to be a good thing as they could have been memory erased of that night making Bakugou to now know as there's a lizard man, Shigaraki, a man with a face fully covering his head, a man with a mask over his face, a muscular woman with big lips and some chin hair, a high schooler with a gun and a gas mask, the warping guy, an elderly woman with grey hair, white face, black lips and yellow cat eyes who then went young to fight, a elderly man with grey hair, white face, black lips and yellow cat eyes who then went young to fight meaning siblings and finally a giant jaguar woman.

It's making them to have an idea of who those Villains are making them to look them up and try and find them all. Izumi explained about Shigaraki being Tenko Shimura who's groomed into being a Villain by the fully head masked man making Toshinori to be furies as Izumi leaves to have a chat with devil himself since they have some explaining as to why she has royalty clothing and a crown on her head making him to explain that white and black devils are ultra rare since devils are always red.

White devils are always female, but can do black if doing bad deeds while the black devils are always male, but can go white if doing good deeds. Izumi warns her brother who's shocked as this is not a good thing at all, but he didn't go devil to get any of his wives pregnant, so no heir and Izumi's not going to be going devil to have a child either making them to be safe as they don't plan to go royalty at all which the devil accepts and will let them be. Izuael saw Mina asleep, but noticed that Kelly and Kevin were nursing.

It would seems that they're loving the new way of nursing from her as being on a stomach of a pregnant woman isn't a good thing as both are getting bigger and Izumi used a spell to keep their teeth from skinning the skin the moment Izuael told her about them nursing from Mina making Izumi to protect her as she's feeding them. Mina's never going to be able to stop them from nursing from her as they'll keep going to her no matter what fully making Mina's breast milk to be their food for life.

Izuael had fun attacking All For One as Toshinori's shocked that he's the real Number One Villain as Izuael killed All For One making many to fear him as he cut him in half shaking Shigaraki badly as Mr. Compass joins his group while the others, but Shigaraki got arrested making Izumi to save him as she tends to his injuries and Kurogiri was also there, but she senses that he's someone else as she needs to make sure she knows what she's doing as she needs to undo what has happened to the teenager she's sensing inside of the mist.

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