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Look at the little babies <3 Sorry for the delay, hope you like x

Look at the little babies <3 Sorry for the delay, hope you like x

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Cregan was not enthused at Visenya being sent to Storm's End. When she told him the following morning, sitting up in their bed which he stood in front of as he dressed, he had stayed silent. He listened, he dressed and then he stared.

Stared at her like he was still processing.

"Jace is a boy grown, Cregan he is perfectly capable. Luke is still a boy... I don't want to go anywhere but..."

She trailed off, she hoped he heard her words and believed them for the sincerity she felt. She meant it. She didnn't want to go anywhere, not when the North prepared for war and her place was here.

When he looked at her, she felt herself warm just under his gaze. While she had grown used to that hot feeling around her neck and chest when he looked at her, the warmth was something different. It wasn't burning flames and fire, it was warm, steady and low like embers. Something she hadn't known fire was capable of.

Cregan had taken her to bed the night before but they had slept. That was all. The decision that sat in front of them regarding children was perhaps too much of a mountain to tackle in one night but Visenya felt better having him know and having herself know his secrets too. 

"Was it an order?"

Visenya's brow furrowed at the question.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean did Prince Daemon or Queen Rhaenyra ask you to go to Storm's End or did they order you to go?"

Visenya thought about it for a moment. Daemon had ordered her but her mother had asked her. And she knew that if Cregan knew how Daemon spoke to her, she would be dealing with war between her own husband and her youngest brothers' father.

"My mother asked me... for Luke."

He paused, taking it in.


He nodded, so simply she had not been sure she heard him right.

"Ok?" she questioned, wanting to be sure.

"You're my lady-wife, Senya" he said, unaware of the effect it had on her when he said those words "not my prisoner. You'll fly for Storm's End."

Visenya had not expected her husband to forbid her but she had expected something more of a push back, a reluctance even. She almost felt a little disappointed.

"Ok." she nodded, watching him tie the strings of his shirt and admiring him as much as she always did.

"And if Daemon had ordered me?" she asked, curiosity winning out.

Cregan's tongue ran along the inside of his cheek as he thought of it. The more he thought back on his correspondence and treating with Prince Daemon the more he realised how little the man had thought for what Visenya's life could be.

The Winter Wolf (Cregan Stark)Where stories live. Discover now