Talks of the Future

Start from the beginning

Wooyoung didn't say anything and the others dropped the subject. San's words affected him more than he'd expected. In this case, he was afraid to take what he wanted, he was afraid of things changing. But perhaps change wasn't always a bad thing.


"I am not changing my mind."

"But Your Majesty..." the advisor spluttered. 

Yeosang and one of his advisors had been in a disagreement for the past few minutes, and he could feel the patience leaving his body with every passing second. 

"The kingdom has been-" 

The door opened and the advisor stopped speaking. Yeosang was about ready to bite off the head of whoever intruded until he saw that it was only San. 

"Continue," Yeosang said to his advisor as San came closer, just looking between them. 

"Right." The advisor kept glancing at San and Yeosang knew he didn't want to speak about this with San present, but he didn't care. "I was saying...conscription age has been 16 since Aurora was founded."

"Yet none of our founding laws say it must be so," Yeosang pointed out.

"Raising the age to 18 would damage our military numbers. How are we supposed to recruit more soldiers?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Yeosang saw San's eyebrows raise. Even San was surprised that this advisor was fighting Yeosang like this.

"Perhaps we could offer a financial incentive."

"Our budget is tight enough as it i-"

"Our budget is not tight!" Yeosang interrupted. His anger overtook him just slightly. Or maybe more than slightly. "I have seen the numbers. The castle spends far too much on jewels and treasures as it is. Take the money from there, and I will not hear another word about it!"

The advisor opened and closed his mouth a few times before finally thinking better of arguing further. "As you wish, Your Majesty."

"You may leave," Yeosang told him, keeping his voice cold. The advisor scrambled out of the room, leaving just Yeosang and San.

San walked up to where Yeosang perched on his throne, and Yeosang immediately felt his anger dissipate. 

"That was incredibly attractive, you know," San said.

"What was?"

"Seeing you exercise your power like that."

"Oh." Yeosang laughed. "I am powerful, you know."

San took his hand, and only had to tug ever so slightly to get Yeosang to stand up. 

"I know," San murmured, then kissed him. Yeosang's stomach flipped. It had been far too long since he'd kissed San. The wait was undoubtedly worth it. 

They were alone in the room yet anyone could walk in and see them, but that didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was San and the butterflies in Yeosang's stomach and the way he felt like he could cry with relief that San was finally back. 

They were still getting used to the dynamics of...everything. Yeosang felt hesitant to kiss San in front of Wooyoung and vice versa, which was why he would cherish moments like this. San's hands roamed Yeosang's body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. 

It was only when San's lips parted from his own, instead going to Yeosang's neck, that Yeosang opened his eyes. "Wooyoungie!" He completely forgot he'd asked Wooyoung to fetch something from a room halfway across the castle but now there he was, document in hand and staring right at them. 

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