A Day in the Life of Kang Yeosang

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This chapter will be a bit boring because Yeosang's life is boring lol

Yeosang didn't need an alarm; he naturally woke up around the same time each morning, when the rising sun made it through the opening in his curtains and hit his face. He awoke from a dreamless sleep and sat up, trying to blink away the rest of his sleepiness, and headed to the washing room attached to his bedroom.

He never bathed in the morning, preferring to do it at night so he could be clean in bed, but he did wash his face before he stepped out into the hallway of his wing in the castle.

Wooyoung's was always the first face Yeosang saw every morning, always standing right outside his door. His personal guard nodded to him in greeting before they made their way down the hall to Yeosang's dressing room.

The closet was full of clothes, yet Yeosang almost always wore the same ones. Today would be no different; he didn't care what anybody else thought, he just wanted to be comfortable. He undressed from his night clothes--pyjamas made of the softest silk, modesty forgotten as he knew that Wooyoung would not look at him.

Wooyoung didn't have to follow him so closely. Yeosang knew that if he wanted, he could simply tell his parents that he didn't want a guard at all and Wooyoung would be stationed elsewhere in the castle. But Yeosang liked the company, even if the guard wasn't the most talkative person.

Dressed in black trousers and a loose, dark blue shirt, Yeosang then called in some servants to fix his hair. Two women showed up instantly and began tending to his hair as he sat in front of the mirror.

"Would you like any makeup, your highness?" One of them asked when they were done. Yeosang's bangs rested perfectly placed on his forehead. The hair on the back of his head was slightly longer, the blond strands reaching the nape of his neck.

Yeosang waved them away in dismissal. "Not today."

When the other servants left the room, Yeosang turned back to Wooyoung. "What do you think, is my hair getting too long?"

Usually, he would have asked his brother for advice, but Jongho was far too busy these days.

"You look just as handsome with long hair as you did when it was short, my prince."

Yeosang nodded, glad for the confirmation of what he also thought. "Right answer, Wooyoungie."

They walked towards the main part of the castle. "What is the time?" Yeosang asked.

The guard checked the watch Yeosang knew he kept on him at all times. "It is 10:24 a.m."

Literature and writing lessons were supposed to start at 10:30 a.m., but Yeosang would not be able to stand classes without eating something first. So, instead of making a right towards his tutor's classroom, he continued straight towards the dining hall.

There were not many servants in the hall at that time, since most of them had duties to attend to in the morning, so it was quieter than usual as Yeosang sat down with his fruit and bread. The guard didn't eat anything, instead waiting by the door for Yeosang to finish.

By the time he had finished eating and made it to the tutor's classroom, it was almost 11:00 a.m. The tutor mentioned nothing about Yeosang being late; he just started the lesson as normal.

All of Yeosang's tutors were hand-picked by the Queen herself, only limited by Yeosang's request that they be around the same age as him. The three that she picked ended up being scholars at the top of their class, pulled from their studies just so they could tutor Yeosang.

This one, Yeosang knew, was named Hongjoong. Although only a couple of years older than Yeosang, he had become quite famous for his stories and poetry before being sent to work for the royal family.

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