2-Murder in the Piers

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"Ex-partner." The man says.

"Oh." He nods. "Let me talk to Fish."

He makes a sour face before taking out his phone and dialing it.

"Yeah. Bullock showed up at the plant. Wants to talk to you." After a bit, he hands over the phone to Bullock.

"Fish?" Harvey says as he takes the phone. "Don't be like that. Listen, you got to let my boy and his friend go. How long we been friends?" H walks forward as the man follows behind him.

There's a small moment of silence.

"Look, the kid's not your problem here. He was hipped to the frame by Major Crimes. They're gonna be coming after you." He looks at the big guy, "Usual way, I guess. Somebody talked."

I gather someone working for Mooney snitched that Mario Pepper was framed. Looks like Jim was right.

"That's what everybody says. Listen, you got to let my boy go. Hmm? You kill my partner, I got to come after you."

Oh, well, I suppose it'd be too much if he mentioned me a third time. It's not like I'm a big deal like Jim Gordon.
As Bullock continues talking on the phone, I think about what will happen once I'm dead.

There aren't many people that'd mourn me. My grandma is the only one I'd worry about. Who would take care of her when I'm dead?
But at least I'd see my mother again. It feels like an eternity since I last talked to or hugged her.

"You good there, Alec? Haven't heard your prayers for a bit."

"As good as I can be, Jim."

"Sorry for dragging you into this."

"It's cool." I chuckle as I think of the pun that went over his head.

Get it- cause it's a freezer.

Bullock walks over and kneels in front of us.

"Hey, how you doing?" Jim tells Bullock.

"I'm good. We're going home." He nods.


"Gentlemen, I'm just glad everything could work out--"

"Watch out!" I yell, warning him of the big guy behind him.

But it was too late, and he got knocked out.

"Cops." The guy shakes his head. "I'm starting with you first if you don't shut up." He points angrily at me.

"How you doing?" Bullock asks.

"Been better. Thanks for trying to help."

"Ditto, Bullock."

"Wish I hadn't." He looks at the guy who was arguing with the camera guy again. "Hey, Butch!"

"Yeah, save your breath. Look, if it was up to me, you'd get a bullet in the head and a decent funeral, but Fish has her ways." He shakes his head.

Bullock sighs.

"Yo! Frankie! Showtime."

Alarms start blaring as a man dressed like a dazzled-up executioner.

As he walks towards us, he picks up a cleaver.

"I'm so fucking scared, guys. But the sleeveless sequin top is hilarious." I say as the three of us fight against our restraints.

Before the executioner gets to us, the garage door opens, and three men enter. They shoot everyone but the big guy, who raises his hands in surrender. Behind them followed an old but distinguished man.
He then walks in front of them.

I know who this man is.

"Don Falcone." The guy says.

"Forgive me, young man, I forget what your name is. Or perhaps I never knew it." His voice was raspy with years.

"Gilzean, sir."

"Gilzean. Tell Ms. Mooney she's too impetuous. If she wants to kill policemen, she has to ask permission."

"Sir." He nods.

Falcone walks over to us.

"There are rules." When he meets my eyes, he becomes stiff and turns around. "Cut them down."

"That's right, there are rules!" Harvey nods.

But I knew him saving us came with a price.

Time Skip (early morning)

We drove in Bullock's car into the piers. I was told to bring my gun with me.

We parked, and it stayed eerily quiet for a moment.

"Lookit, Jim-"

"I'm listening."

"I wasn't being honest with you. But you weren't ready for the truth."

I sit in the backseat, twiddling my thumbs as they argue.

"You didn't tell me because you were ashamed."

Bullock steps out of the car angrily.

"Why are we stopping here?" Jim asks Bullock as we both leave the car.

Bullock opens the trunk.
Inside, there was the man I met yesterday- Oswald Cobblepot. He was all beaten up.

"No, please. Please, I beg of you!" He cries as he holds his hand in front of his face.

It was heartbreaking.
I remember the time I had heard another man plead for his life.

"Shut up!"

"Bullock, you can't be serious?"

"You can it too, Rookie." He looks at Jim, "This is the fool that snitched to Montoya and Allen. Falcone wants you to walk him to the end of that pier and put a bullet in his head. With his gun." He points at me. "Then everybody knows you're with the program-"

"And they know I won't say anything 'cause it's my gun." I shake my head as I piece it together.

I put my hand in my mouth as I realized my situation.

"And if I don't?" Jim asks.

"Then I'm supposed to take you out and him, too. Goes the same for you, Rookie."

"Yeah, I got that." I hiss back.

"And here's the thing, Jim. I like you. I might not have the stomach to do it, but I'll try. 'Cause if I don't, someone will get you quick enough. Then they're gonna get to me and probably Barbara as well. Who knows what you told her?"

"I told her nothing."

"You think Falcone cares? Come on. You've killed people before."

"That was war."

"This is war! We're at war with scumbags like him. Sometimes, in war, you got to do a bad thing to do good, right? So do you do this bad thing- or do you die, and maybe your girl dies? I might be lackadaisical, hmm?" He nods. "But that's not a tough call."

Jim pulls Cobblepot out of the trunk.
Harvey shoves me forward.
I look down as I hand over my gun.

"Walk." He says as he pushes Oswald toward the end of the pier.

"Perdoname madre.", I say as I cross myself. [Forgive me, mother]

Bullock leaned in the front of his car as Jim walked to the edge.

I couldn't bear to witness a scene like that ever again. So I look down as I say a prayer, not for me. I deserve it.
I say a prayer for the man I'm helping murder.

"Shut up!" I hear Jim yell in the distance.

A minute later, a gunshot rings out. Then- a splash is heard.

We stay silent as we leave the piers.
I head home to my grandmother. I need to make sure she's alright. She's probably worried about me, too.

As I open the door to my apartment, I see my grandmother's part-time nurse and neighbor sitting on the couch by the phone.

"Alec, you're home." She rushes to hug me. "Your grandma was worried sick. Where have you been?"

"I'm sorry. Work got crazy with this one case. I best not share too much, though- it's confidential. But I promise it won't happen again."

"Well, I'm glad you're safe. She's down for her nap but should be awake in a bit. She's going to be real happy to see you."

"Thank you, Josefina." I hug her. "We're lucky to have you."

She pats my back, "I know. Now, how about- you take a shower, and I'll make you something to eat? I made some frijoles. You want a torta?" [beans] [sandwich??] (no, it's not 'cake' you Spaniard colonizers)

"Yes, you're the best, Jose." I kiss her on the forehead.

"Ya! Vete a bañar, porque hueles." She shoos me away. [Stop! Go take a shower, cause you smell.]

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