2-Murder in the Piers

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"You want me to go where?" I look at Jim like he's crazy.

And he is.

"It's just coming to Fish Mooney's with me. No big deal."

"Shouldn't you take Bullock? He's your partner, Jim." I shake my head.

"He already told me to stop investigating this. You're the only one I trust to tell this to." He points at me.

Can't lie; my heart warmed up knowing how much he trusted me.

I bite the inside of my cheek.

"And you're sure about this, completely? Even if it costs you your job? Or life? This is the mafia we're dealing with, Jim." I point down.

"I need to know if Mario Pepper was framed, Alec." He looked at me with those horrid puppy dog eyes.

I sigh, "Okay then. I suppose all I can do is pray for our survival. Let's go."

Jim drives to Mooney's club, and I pray the way there. 
I couldn't avoid the underworld of Gotham, especially as a cop. I didn't plan to either.
But that didn't mean I was ready to face it.

"Here we are.", I say as we park in front of the club.

"No time to waste." He says before getting out.

I follow after him as he rushes inside.

"Detective Gordon." A man stands up and greets Jim, looking scared and surprised to see him.

"Tell Mooney I'm here."

"May I ask why?" He asks politely.

"No.", Jim says in a gruff voice.

"No. Yes." He chuckles.

"Stay here." He tells me as he heads to Fish Mooney's office.

"I'm sorry about him; he's a little moody. I'm Officer Lopez." I hold my hand out.

"Oswald Cobblepot." He shakes my hand.

"So, are you a worker here at the club?"

"I work for Fish Mooney personally."

"Oh?" I ask as I start walking around the bar, trying to see if I can hear Jim's conversation.

"I wait on her, carry her umbrella and such. I'm sorry, but is this an interrogation?" He's short and jittery with a weird haircut- it's adorable.

"Nope." I shake my head. "Just small talk." I smile and shrug.

I notice two men approach me. 

I smile at them, "No need to sneak on me, guys. I'm just getting acquainted." I raise my hands.

They lunge themselves at me, and I dodge them. As they start getting up, I punch them. But I hear fighting coming from Mooney's office.

"Jim!" I try to run into the office, but I'm knocked out before I reach it.

Time Skip (unclear time)

When I start regaining consciousness, I feel myself being dragged on the floor. I look around and notice I'm in a meat locker. You know, the place where they hang the butchered pigs and kill people.

"Wait! Wait!" I hear Jim yell from in front of me. "Wait." 

"Shut up." I hear a deep voice say.

Then I hear a stomp.

"Leave him alone!" I wriggle in against the person dragging me.

That landed me another blow to the head. And when I wake up again, I'm hanging on one of the hooks.
Next to me was a pig carcass, and on the other side was Jim. He, too, was waking up.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A big man in front of us yelled. "Put it over; you'll get a better angle."

A man was next to me, and another man was over by a camera.
The camera guy was the one the big guy was talking to.

"Chingado, I'm gonna die." I mutter as I begin to whisper a prayer.

"What? You're a director now?"

"Don't get fresh. I'm just saying." He pulls up his sleeves and checks on the restraints on our feet.

"Hey, Butch!" Bullock comes in, speaking to the big man, all friendly.

"Harvey." The man puts his hands on his hips. "Who told you we'd be here?"

"Everybody knows this is where you- take your problems." He walks down to us. "That's my partner and his friend you got there." He points at us.

I smile and nod at him.

Honestly, I didn't think he'd even mention me.

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