Chapter 7: How could she?

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It's been about 20 minutes and Gyeongsu is still in the room. Everyone was secretly giving Nayeon  the DIRTIEST side eye ever. But Nayeon is to blind to see. " he's fine stop overreacting  " Anna said. " No hes not! I saw him get bit! " Nayeon said. " You know this is your crush on the line right? " Anna said. 

" I'd rather chose myself then a silly crush " Nayeon said. Anna was shocked, who in the actual fuck says that? Yeah maybe your man can get bit but Nayeon was just getting annoying. " Well stop being a rat it's getting really annoying, moms not here to tell you to shut up " Anna said. That got her thinking. Is her parents alive? 

" You can come out now! It's been about 30 minutes " Cheongsan said. But Gyeongsu wasn't having any of it. He shook his head and stayed there. " He's too stubborn " Cheongsan said and sat back down. " He's even doing an hour just for you! You better apologize and kiss him okay? " Anna said giggling a little. 

Nayeon smacked Anna's head. " shut up! I'm not apologizing to anyone. He might still turn just wait. " Nayeon said not giving up. 15 minutes later Cheongsan went up to the door while Anna was sleeping on Nayeons shoulder. Cheongsan started whistling to the door. While everyone was looking at Cheongsan Nayeon got up and wiped the blood of a mop. 

Namra watched her every move very carefully. 15 more minutes pass by and finally Ms. Parks speak. " Nayeon it's been an 1 hour go say sorry " Ms. Park said. Without hesitation Nayeon entered in and started talking to him then put a napkin on Gyeongsu's hand. Namra's eyes widened catching Anna's attention.

" what's worng? " Anna said. " She's infecting Gyeongsu.. " Namra said. " your joking " Anna said. " I'm not. I saw her get the blood from that mop. " Namra said blankly. Without a second Anna rushed in their and yanked the tissue away. " WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WORNG WITH YOU!? " Anna said. " What do you mean? I was just apologizing " Nayeon said blankly. 

" STOP FUCKING LYING! " Anna screamed. Everybody gathered into the broadcasting room. " what's going on? " Ms. Park said. " Nayeon put zombie blood on Gyeongsu's wound " Namra said." What!? "Cheongsan said. " I DIDNT! " Nayeon screamed trying to play innocent. " Then why is the tissue full of blood? " Anna said. 

" it's Gyeongsu's blood! I wiped it " Nayeon said. " Okay then put it on your wound Nayeon " Namra said. Nayeon froze " Why would I put his dirty blood on my wound!? " Nayeon said.  Anna slapped Nayeon so hard their was a big red mark on her face. " NAYEON WHATS WORNG WITH YOU!? " Anna said shedding some tears. 

Gyeongsu's nose was bleeding. Was he turning?. " whats happening? " Gyeongsu said shaking. Gyeongsu was falling all over the place. " Gyeongsu maybe just stay in the broadcasting room " Ms. Park suggested. " No- No I'll leave why would I hurt you? Your my fucking friends " Gyeongsu said walking out slowly. 

Before he opened the door. " Thank you for everything. Stay alive " Gyeongsu said but dropped to the ground and started cracking. Before Gyeongsu fully turned Cheongsan started whistling a tune at the edge of the window. Gyeongsu seemed to realize it and lunged to Cheongsan. Immediately he jumped out and Gyeongsu fell to the ground. 

Anna shook Nayeon's shoulder  " did you know what you just did?..... NAYEON DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID!? " Anna screamed trying to put some sense into her sister .Nayeon just stared at her  blankly. " How could you!? " Cheongsan said trying to lunge at Nayeon but Suhyeok stopped him. 

" Screw you Anna. Screw all of you. I don't need any of you " Nayeon said sobbing. Saying that she ran out the door. Anna was gonna after her when Ms. Park blocked the door. " listen to me. Don't ever hurt anyone for you own gain. You'll regret it after, stay alive. " Ms. Park said. " Anna I'll take care of her I promise. I'm so sorry " Ms. Park said and went out the door.

Anna was confused with what Ms. Park said. Anna was gonna follow Ms. Park but she closed the door. Anna tried to open but it was stuck. It was like somthing was holding it from opening the door. Without a thought Anna got a chair and was about to smash the door when Suhyeok grabbed onto her from her waist. " Yah! What are you doing!? " Suhyeok said. 

" let go! " Anna said trying to get out of his grip. Looking back at Suhyeok their faces were just inches away." if you break the door all the zombies will come in! " Suhyeok said. " IM TRYING TO GET OUT! LET GO " Anna screamed still struggling in his arms.  " we are trying to stay alive! " Suhyeok said. That made Anna stop she realized what she was about to do, 

She felt hopeless. She dropped the chair and started sobbing. She couldn't do anything. Her sister and a teacher just ran out and she couldn't save them without hurting someone else. Suhyeok hugged Anna taking her into his embrace. Anna sobbed even harder onto his chest. She felt a sharp pain go through chest multiple times like a knife.  

Finally Anna calmed down and stoped crying. She looked up to see Suhyeok worried face. When their eyes met Suhyeok smiled at her. " are you okay? " Suhyeok asked. Anna nodded. She realized the position and immediately let go. " It's not our fault that they left " Jimin said making everyone look at her. 

" what? " Suhyeok said really confused. " Nayeon left on her own and Ms. Park followed her we didn't do anything " Jimin said. " doesn't mean we should do nothing we should save them " Onjo said. " Does Nayeon deserve to live? " Jimin said immediately Anna walked up to her and slapped her. " Yes. She does " Anna said sternly. 

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