Chapter 6: What are you doing?

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Nayeon started unblocking the doors while Suhyeok and Cheongsan were fighting. Everybody joined Nayeon and started moving the chairs and desks. " Open the doors! " Cheongsan said. Immediately Onjo opened the door and Suhyeok kicked the zombie out. " Are you guys okay? " Anna asked worried. 

The two nodded. " If we locked the doors before this would of never happened! " Nayeon said. " SHUT UP! " Anna screamed. The two had no time to fight though because Mijin was bitten and was still in the room. " What do I do? " Mijin said crying while Onjo holding her hands. " I'm so sorry " Onjo said crying with her. 

" GET HER OUT!! " Nayeon said. Immediately Anna bonked her head this girl has gone nuts! " I'll leave " Mijin said. She was heading to the door about to open it but dropped to the ground. Suhyeok immediately opened the door and pushed her out before she fully transformed into a zombie. 

" You should of a- " Nayeon said but cut off. " IF YOU DONT SHUT UP RIGHT NOW I'LL GET THE STAPLER AND STAPLE YOUR MOUTH SHUT! " Anna said. Everyone was getting annoyed of Nayeons behaviour. Their in this situation too. Nayeon shut up but was still angry that no one is listening to her. 

" We need to leave " Cheongsan said. " haven't you just stated the obvious? " Daesu said. " Like out of this room " Onjo said. " Again the OBVIOUS " Nayeon said. " What's the plan? " Joonyeong asked. " We can get the hose from outside and make a rope out of it. To go to the other room. " Cheongsan said. 

" How are we gonna get the hose? " I-Sak asked. " Gyeongsu can you open the door a little? " Cheongsan asked. " and get bit? No not again " Nayeon said. Anna was smiling her sister was getting overprotective. " I won't " Gyeongsu said reassuringly. Nayeon just sighed. Anna nudged Nayeon a little " aren't you over protective " Anna asked jokingly. 

" I'll smack you " Nayeon said. Gyeongsu opened the door a little enough for cheongsams hand to fit through. Everybody was pin drop quiet no one wanted the zombies to come in. After few seconds Cheongsan closed the door. " I can't get the hose. I can't reach it " Cheongsan said disappointed in him self. 

" Use this " Anna said giving him a plastic hand. " Oh yeah that might work! " Hyorung said. Cheongsan used the hand and got the hose. " Okay start making knots in the roped enough to make feet into them " Cheongsan said. " How do you plan on doing that? " Jimin asked. " I know " Joon yeong said. 

Anna,Suhyeok and Onjo started helping Joon yeong tie the knots. Suhyeok and Anna's hands accidentally touched making the two immediately flinch. They both looked at each other then looked away. Acting like nothing happened at all. Finally the rope was done and it was ready to go. 

" Who's going first? " Cheongsan asked. No one answered everyone was too scared. " I'll do- " Anna said. " I will! " Suhyeok said cutting of Anna. " what if their is zombies down there? " Woojin asked. Everybody looked at Gyeongsu. " why me? " Gyeongsu asked but it was too late everybody made their mind. 

Gyeongsu headed down looking for a room with no zombies. He reached the broadcasting room seeing Ms. Park. " Ms. Park is down here! Come down! " Gyeongsu said. Immediately Nayeon budded in. " I'm going next! " Nayeon said. She went down and slowly everybody did. Now it was only Suhyeok and Anna. 

" you can go " Anna said. " no you'll go " Suhyeok said. " who said I will? " Anna replied. " theirs no time to fight just go down! " Suhyeok said panicked as zombies were about to enter in. Anna quickly went down. She was halfway down when someone suddenly hopped on her back. It made the rope spin. 

Anna screamed then Suhyeok covered her mouth. " it's me! It's me " Suhyeok said. Anna felt his hot breath and his heart beat on her neck." why are you   on my back!? " Anna asked. " the zombies were coming I had to do somthing. " Suhyeok said. " your really heavy you know that right? " Anna said. " oh sorry I'll help you get down "  Suhyeok said. 

Suhyeok helped Anna get into the classroom. Anna helped Suhyeok get into the classroom as well. " Are you all alright?! " Ms. Park said worriedly. Suhyeok and Anna nodded. " Has someone called the police? " Jimin asked. " I'm sure someone has we just need to wait for now " Ms. Park said. 

Everybody sat down tired and wanting to go home suddenly a zombie crashed into the window. Shocked and Horrified. Cheongsan immediately pushed it away from the group while they all went at the back of the class. Gyeongsu and Suhyeok joined in too. Suhyeok saw a mop and started pushing the zombie out. 

While doing that the mop hit Gyeongsu nose and he backed off as his nose was bleeding. The Zombie fell out of the window and the two boys collapsed to the ground. " Are you three alright? " Ms. Park said. They all nodded. " Gyeongsu is bitten! " Nayeon screamed. Everybody looked and saw his nose bleeding. 

" Oh Suhyeok just hit me with the mop didn't you see? " Gyeongsu said. " No! No we didn't. " Jimin said. " get out! " Nayeon screamed. " Gyeongsu acutally got hit by the mop that's why his nose is bleeding plus theirs no bite mark " Onjo said. " Yes there is! Look at his arm. " Nayeon said. 

Cheongsan looked at his arm. " it's a scratch. If anyone wants to see you can " Cheongsan said. Everybody looked at his arm. " yeah it's a scratch he's fine. " Anna said. " No hes not! He's bitten! " Nayeon said still not giving up. " Okay look! Gyeongsu can you stay in the broadcasting room for 30 minutes? " Ms. Park said. 

" But he's fine! " Cheongsan said. " just for 30 minutes then if he doesn't turn he can come out and Nayeon will apologize " Ms. Park said trying to make an agreement. " I'll do it for a hour " Gyeongsu said. " You don't have too! " Daesu said, but Gyeongsu was to stubborn and entered the broadcasting room. 

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