"I am sorry. This must be a misunderstanding. Who-" I started, but the man charged at me, and before I could blink, I was grabbed and thrown back into the tree I was sitting at. The impact had me gasping as I fell forward onto the ground. This man was strong. Hella strong. I gasped and coughed, pushing myself onto my knees as I rubbed my back. The man approached me again, kneeling to be at eye level.

"Ilinnevel tarhun kren, Fay." You do not belong here, Fay. The man responded, and even though I had no idea what he was saying, the sharp tone of his voice sent chills down my spine. Gaining my composure, I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I have no idea what you are saying, but I am not Fay!" I corrected, standing up now. The man followed my movements but made no move to continue the fight. Suppose this event was supposed to be a fight. I craned my neck to look at him, daring him to do something—still nothing. I could walk away. Continued my original plan, but no, this man pissed me off. He attacked me without any warning. Moving past him, I acted as if I was leaving, but as soon as I passed him, I turned and swung my leg up to his head. It was grabbed before it could even make contact.

"Dov wahlaan." The man smirked. Nice try

I gritted my teeth, yanking my foot out of his grasp, causing me to stumble backward. That gave him an opening as he swung his fist into the side of my face. It wouldn't have hurt as much, considering I'd already been punched in the face before, but this man was wearing gauntlets, so the impact hurt even more. I stumbled back, my hand flying up to cup my cheek.

This man was brutal. Punch after punch. Kick after kick. He did not let down. I tried to defend myself as best as I could. Using everything Sevyn had taught me, this man was stronger. Faster. More efficient. And neither one of us was using our powers.

"Wait... I am so dumb." I grumbled to myself, clutching my stomach. I charged at the dragon, and he held his arms out in preparation, but that was fine. Purposely charging past him, I turned my body and flung my hands to the side, sending him aflame. I pumped my fists in the air, smiling. I was not trying to kill him, of course, but at least cause some burning to his body. Make him panic and roll around, maybe even jump into the water to get the fire out. But when I actually focused on the man, he remained completely calm. So calm that it scared me. He just rolled himself on the ground before hopping up like nothing happened.

There were a couple of burns on his body that would most likely scar over, but I couldn't be happy about that. This man took my fire like it was nothing. It's almost like he bathed in such heat. But there was a flicker of confusion in his eyes. I stumbled back again until my back hit the tree, and I slid down exhausted. I needed to keep fighting, though. I couldn't let this man win. All that I have done just to be defeated by a gorgeous dragon in human form? No fucking way.

But my body refused to move. I was in too much pain. Everything was hurting and aching. All I could do was watch as the man approached me. But he didn't grab me and swing me around. He didn't slam me into the tree as many times as he would have wanted to. Instead, he kneeled and stared at me. Stared at me as if he was trying to figure me out. My eyelids were becoming heavy. My body was giving out.


My name was the last word I heard before everything went black.


Arianna and Fay have been bickering back and forth over the same topic. Who was the strongest?

"Girls." Meadow started, placing her hands on her hips as she watched the twins bicker.

"Clearly, I'm the strongest! I've been practicing and learning much faster than you have." Arianna argued, rolling her eyes as she didn't understand why this was an argument in the first place. Fay gritted her teeth as she stomped her feet.

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