Waking up feeling like crap- Lunas Pov

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"Waking up is horrid, I wanna stay in my bed longer,oh crap its Monday" I realised, I hurried and I threw myself out of my bed, it felt as if I I flying, I was enjoying the moment until I skid across the floor, my mum heard me and rushed upstairs "what was that lulu?" My mum asked. she always calls me lulu, she always has. "Sorry mum! just got distracted!" I replied with an awkward look on my face. I grabbed my favourite checkered T-shirt and striped trousers and went to get socks. I had just got ready and then realised, it's winter and if go out with just my short sleeves T-shirt, I will probably freeze. So I found my hat scarf and gloves and ran downstairs to go ask my mum if she has seen my jacket. "Oh here it's is! Make sure to catch that bus!" She smiled, I giggled "of course I will" I went to the front door and waved to her and went to go to the bus stop. I realised the closest one was the one those boys always stand at,Kenny,Kyle,Stan and Cartman? The reason I can't go to the normal bus stop I stand at its because its getting rebuilt to be bigger because it is too small and lots of people for some odd reason are always jam packed trying to wait there. I found it and stood there awkwardly with the boys. "mph!(hi!)" said Kenny, I waved back because I'm friends with Kenny. I am waiting for Finn,Levi and Lorin to come because they are all so slow!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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