Epsoide 2-statues

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-many years later when they are adult

Today,we went to the forest next to the temple,we love walking there bc it's chill.Then after walking together,we saw a huge tree and there's a small stone made temple and a stone made statue one a stone made table,the statue is bigger then your hand a bit.I saw it fell down,so I decide to make it stand back up.But when I touch it,a strong light came and I drop it onto the ground.

When the light is gone,we saw a girl standing infront of us,she is a kitsune wearing Japanese clothes with some watch accessories,then she said 'Phew,finally' then she said 'Oh hello what year is it now?' Then I said 'Errr it's 2023 now' 'What!? It's been 2023 years already!?' Then Galax said 'Who are you???' 'Oh yeah I think I should explain...so y'all know the history about this island right?' Then we all nods 'Great, so actually after the season god made season,me, the time god gave it time and the weather gods give it weather and there's also other gods give it natural things too.But then because we used all our powers so we all became a statue but except the season god' Then haxfy said 'But why?' Then the time god said 'I don't know,btw my name is shikan'

Then we introduced ourselves to her and she said 'Lots of god turned into statues too can you guys help me transform them back?' We all agreed and our journey starts.

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